Dolph Ziggler Part 2 for Lonelygirl122703

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I sat and watched the clock as it slowly counted down to eight o'clock. I was dressed up in a little red dress, alongside a pair of big red heels. My black hair was done up into a fancy bun at the top of my head, and my make up done perfectly to suit my grey eyes, as well as a little touch of red lipstick to finish me off. I'd surprised myself with how quickly it took to get ready, sitting back down and pulling my phone out.

As people always do, I completely lost track of time scrolling through Instagram, when I heard a soft knock at my front door. I opened it to see Dolph dressed in a gorgeous grey tuxedo suit combination. "Hey, you look gorgeous," he told me, pecking my cheek. I stepped outside, locking the door and putting my keys in my clutch bag.

"You look really handsome too." I told Dolph as he laced our arms together, leading me to his car. He opened the door for me, and proceeded to shut it behind me once I was seated. He drove off, driving through the streets of Cleveland. "Where are we going?" I asked him. He had specified the dress code earlier on in the day, but didn't manage to give me a location.

"I can't tell you that." He told me, winking across at me. I sighed, watching which streets we went down, trying to decipher where we were going.

About twenty minutes later we pulled up at a restaurant, Bill's, the most popular in the state, but also the most fancy. I'd never been before, but the way in which Dolph was greeted as we arrived, he was clearly a regular. I smiled at the waitress, who led us to a table. A single booth with a candle on the end, the flame burning brightly. We slid in sitting opposite each other. "It's really nice here." I commentated as Dolph looked over at me.

"Yeah, Bill is a top guy, a good friend if I may." I smiled at him, grabbing a menu and passing him one. The food on the menu was things I had never dreamt of eating before. All the little things you expect fine dining to consist of, but never imagine yourself eating. Dolph chose instantly what he was having, but I wasn't so sure. "I recommend the lobster." I looked for it on the menu, my eyes widening at the price. I gulped slightly.

"Yeah, that'll do." I muttered, astonished at how much it would cost me. Dolph went up to order our food, as I readjusted myself in my seat, admiring the artwork in the room.

The two of us had a lovely meal together, learning little facts about each other. You would think after we'd been work colleagues we'd know just the little things about each other, but no, nothing. Dolph had two brothers, he was a part time comedian, and we both went to Kent State University. At the end of what was admittedly a delicious meal, the waitress came over with our bill. Luckily I came prepared, opening my clutch to get out the money I had. "What are you doing?" Dolph asked me.

"Getting money out to pay for my food," I told him like it was obvious.

"You don't need to do that, I can pay." I shook my head in objection, but he carried on anyway. "Please my treat, you've paid me in good company." I sighed, putting my money away and watching on as Dolph settled the bill.

We finished our wine and then slid out of our booth, blowing out the candle flame. Dolph linked his arm in mine, leading me out of the restaurant and back to his car. "Can you remember the way back to my house?" I asked him as he looked over at me.

"Who said anything about home? I thought maybe you'd like to come to mine and watch a movie or something, nothing naughty or anything, just a nice little way to end the evening." He began to drive, taking us back down the route we came.

"Yeah, that sounds good." I sat watching as Dolph turned away from the route I knew, and down towards where the big housing estate was. He pulled up outside a three storey mansion on the outskirts of Cleveland, driving into his garage. I jumped out of the car, unsure of where to go as Dolph led me into his home, walking me through to the front room. I had to admit, for a guy his house was incredibly well decorated, a distinguishable cream theme throughout. He walked over to his cabinet, pulling out a box full of movies.

"Take your pick," he told me, walking out of the room. I scrolled through, eventually deciding to select one of my all time favourites, Anchorman. I'd watched it numerous times, but I didn't want to choose a sad romance when around someone like Dolph.

He walked back in around five minutes later carrying two mugs of hot chocolate. He settled them down, putting the movie into the player, and then coming to sit beside me. I sat awkwardly, not sure what to do with myself. I watched as Dolph stretched his arm around me casually on the back of the sofa. I decided to try and pretend he wasn't there, focusing on the start of the movie, however Dolph didn't receive that well. "You can cuddle me," he told me. I looked down as he nodded his head towards me, lowering my body so I was lightly resting on him. He put his arm around me, leaning his head on top of mine. "I'm not going to bite."

"I know," I replied. As the movie played the two of us laid in a comfortable silence, only getting up to take sips from our drink. Every so often I would rise when Dolph laughed, then settle back on his chest. 

Eventually the movie finished, as I swung my legs off of the sofa, placing my feet back in my heels. "I really should be going," I told him.

"How will you get home?" He asked, watching me stand up.

"I'll call a taxi or something, I don't live too far away." He stood up, standing in front of me.

"Miamorae, it's gone midnight, why don't you just stay here? I can give you some clothes to sleep in, there's the spare bedroom if you want it." I weighed up my options briefly, but when Dolph smiled his mischievous I knew my answer was inevitable.

"Fine, I'll stay." Dolph smiled at me, placing his hand on my hip. His eyes captured mine, then looked down at my lips. He leaned in slightly, placing his lips onto mine. I locked mine onto his, kissing him softly. I placed my hands on his hips too, kissing him back. He pulled away first, guiding me upstairs, leading me into the spare room, grabbing some clothes for me to get changed into. I went into the bathroom, changing into one of his oversized merchandise tops, and a pair of tracksuit bottoms. I went under the duvet, as Dolph kissed the top of my head, walking over to the light switch. "Goodnight darling," he whispered.

"Goodnight Dolph."

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