Dean Ambrose/Brie Bella for Hermione_Ambrose

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I walked down towards the ring moving in between the crowds of staff walking around. I felt a hard push against my shoulder, slightly jolting me. I turned and saw Dean looking at me practically asking me to give him a slap. I glared at him walking towards the ring.

I made my usual entrance standing in the ring awaiting the arrival of my opponent.

Stephanie's music was played allowed as herself and Triple H walked out. I stood frozen as I had hardly ever even met these two never mind be in the ring with me.

"Brie, stop pretending to like everyone. Stop pretending to be the fan favourite, because everyone loves us. Appreciate your place in this business and that you are of no importance at all." I shook my head disagreeing with Stephanie. The crowd started to boo her in disgust.

Her heels cranked as her and Hunter walked down to the ring, they climbed in and I was defenseless.

Steph dropped her mic and walked over to me. She pinned my arm behind me painfully. Her grip was strong as she grabbed my other arm. Steph no longer had a microphone, but I could just about hear her say, "hit her Hunter."

I could see in his eyes he was going to attack me. He obviously showed no remorse or guilt. His arm felt like it moved in slow motion across my face causing a strong sting to shoot in my cheek, quickly followed by a hard thud in my stomach from his other fist. Stephanie released me and I fell to the floor in pain.

I felt a few stabs of her heel in my legs as Hunter stamped on my face a few times. Pain shot through me as my vision became blurred. I couldn't quite understand what was going on around me anymore, as I tried to focus on the pain in my body.

"Get off of her. Leave her alone. Now." I faintly heard a voice of someone I did not know. The stamps of the feet slowly disappeared, as did Stephanie's foot. I couldn't focus exactly on my whereabouts or what was happening. An arm found it's way around my shoulder, but I was too dazed to see who it was, so just grabbed it so they could help me backstage.

As soon as we got backstage I was taken by the medical team, so I never got to see who it was that saved me.

The doctors checked me over and warned me that I would have a few bruises forming over the upcoming days. "Doc, one last thing, who was it that got me out of the ring?"

"It was Ambrose who helped you Brie." I nodded still not feeling very well.


I walked off trying to sort myself out and grab a bite to eat. I reached the canteen and looked around to see none other then Dean sat at a table by himself. Part of me was telling me to ignore me, but the other part was telling me to be the better person and thank him. I grabbed a couple of things to eat before going over.

My tray hit the table making his eyes shoot up and meet mine. " thanks for earlier yeah. It was decent of you."

"Oh yeah it was no problem." There was a clear awkward silence between the two of us as we sat eating our food.

Dean finished his food, and scraped his chair back, standing up. "So I'll see you at seven tomorrow night?" I shook my head confused, as he did another of his sly winks. 

"Seven? Tomorrow night?"

"Alright, so let's not call it a date, just a thanks for what I did tonight." He reached his arm out for me to shake, which I did begrudgingly. One night with Dean wasn't going to hurt. 

"You're on." I warned standing up too and walking off away from him.

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