Baron Corbin for ceyalch

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"Congratulations you two, you're storyline will begin next week." Brilliant! A love storyline with Baron, just what I've always wanted. I was never going to be taken as a serious wrestler anymore after this. No one would like it, and they'd be bored because we'll never be able to act like we like each other properly.

"Thanks Hunter." I shook his hand, walking out of his office, Baron trailing behind. "That certainly wasn't what I was expecting." I told him, shutting the office door.

"Me either. I'm sure we can make it work though." I pulled out my phone replying to a few texts I had received, and straightening my hair out properly.

"How are we ever gonna do this?" Unlike Baron, if I screwed this up I'd be gone, I was already in the bad books of the coaches as it was.

"Trust me Courtney, we've got this." He was definitely one of the more mysterious people I had ever met, as he walked off down the corridor to leave me to study my lines.

I hardly slept the whole night in fear of what would happen at the taping tonight. I'm sure Baron had it covered, seeing as he could at least use his improvisation skills. I knew this was my chance to really make it big, and as much as I hated to admit it, I needed Baron's help.

The day had come for our NXT kiss tonight, and I tried desperately to avoid Baron at all costs. He was the last person I wanted to see, especially knowing how much he'd enjoy teasing me about how nervous I was. I found Bayley in the corridor, so went up to her for a bit of advice. "Bayley!" I yelled grabbing her attention. She walked over to me, hugging me tightly.

"What's up girl. All prepared for tonight?" Part of me didn't want to show my weakness to Bayley, but she was one of the few people I knew I could confide in when I wanted to.

"Actually no, I'm really nervous about it. I have to kiss Corbin, and I'm not exactly looking forward to it. I wouldn't mind if it was anyone else, but he's just so unpredictable and I don't want him to mess the lines about or do something he shouldn't." I knew most of it was all in my mind, and that surely Baron wouldn't be so cruel as to do that to me, but the show was live in front of an audience and anything could happen.

"Honestly, I was exactly the same when I had my first night storyline, just remember to take deep breaths and whatever happens happens, and if something goes wrong just don't make it too noticeable don't get flustered, just carry on and act." It felt nice just to have a small bit of reassurance from Bayley, just to slightly settle my nerves, as I went back over my lines in my head. "I've got to go, but good luck Courtney, see you in a bit." I waved her goodbye, making my way to the locker room to prepare.

I was ready in my ring gear, my make up looked amazing, and my hair was looking good. I had just been called to the gorilla post, so I grabbed my water bottle and made my way over. I was told to interfere at the end of the match. Baron versus Apollo. I watched intently, desperately trying to banish all my nerves.

Baron won, and as soon as his arm was raised, my music hit and I moved the curtain out of my way so I could go down the ramp. I smirked at Baron, grabbing the microphone I was handed, climbing into the ring. "Congratulations Baron." I'd never felt such adrenaline run through my body, as I finally realised my dream. "You must be so proud."

"What do you want Courtney? Leave me alone." He went to walk out, but I grabbed his hand to pull him back. Despite hardly speaking to Baron, somehow when I grabbed his hand back this weird feeling ran through my body, as I tried hard to refrain myself from smiling at Baron keeping a straight face.

"I want The Lone Wolf. We all want The Lone Wolf. But who even is he? All I've seen is an insecure man who gets a sick kick from being a bit of a dick. Now if you ask me-"

"I'm not." He interrupted the anger for his character clear in his eyes.

"You need a little companion." I carried on anyway not really caring what he had to say. "Now I'd say anyone in that locker room, but I think you need taming rather then petting, so I came here to maybe give you a bit of guidance." Baron stepped towards me, towering over me too.

"What's that supposed to mean? I'm fine the way I am." I never thought I could enjoy myself as much as I was in the ring, even with Baron in there with me.

"Are you?" I asked him quizzically. I stepped so there was inches between us, placing a hand on his shoulder, before leaning in and placing a quick kiss on his lips. Despite how quick it was, the fireworks went off in my imagination and my heart. As soon as the kiss was over I stepped out of the ring and down the stairs.

"No! You don't get to do that Courtney." I ignored him anyway walking backstage and sitting down on one of the equipment crates, settling my heart beat back down.

Only a couple of minutes after I sat down, Baron came and sat with me. "Tell me you felt something in that kiss Courtney. I sure as hell did." I wiped a few sweat droplets off of his forehead, placing a hand on his cheek.

"Yeah I felt a lot. An awful lot in fact." Slowly I found myself leaning in again, only this time the kiss was more meaningful and long creating multiple butterflies. Once we pulled away we stared into each other's eyes for a short time. I removed my hand from his cheek, placing it back by my side. "Let's get out of here." I told him, grabbing his hand and leading him down the corridor.

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