Big Cass for TempestAlexander4

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Watching any superstar get injured was hard, but especially when it was one of your closest friends on the roster. Colin had landed awkwardly onto his leg as his Big Boot was countered. It was almost like you could hear the crack from backstage. My heart broke at his face when he had to be carried out of the ring.

I was walking around backstage, when Colin walked on by. "Hey! Colin, I'm really sorry about your leg." I smiled at him sympathetically.

"Shut up, what do you even care." I was slightly taken aback by the harsh tone in his voice. What had I even done wrong?

"I'm just trying to be a good friend Cass, there is no need for that." I walked forward towards him, he was obviously just angry at the fact he was going to be out of action for a short while.

"Oh so now you want to be my friend Tempest." If his leg wasn't so sore I wondered what exactly he would do. I was clueless as to why he had so much anger inside of him. All I wanted to do was give him a hug and reassure him that it would get better. Clearly he didn't take to well to Enzo trying to help him either considering he was nowhere to be seen.

"I've always been your friend Colin, how could you say such a thing." Part of me wanted to run up to him and let him release all of his anger, yet somehow I found myself struggling to hold in the tears as I wached what was supposedly one of my best friends hobble away.

All I could think about last week was Colin and how harsh he had been. The way he suddenly turned had scared me, and everytime I walked around the building I was worried that I might have to see him. I asked Enzo how he was getting on, but he said he hadn't heard anything over the last week.

I had just finished my live tapings match against Peyton Royce and headed back to the locker room to head home to Tampa for the evening."Tempest! Wait up." I turned around to be met by the one face I didn't want to see. He slowly hobbled over to me on his crutches.


"Look please don't be like that with me," he pleaded.

"Don't be like that with you, are you for real right now? What on earth gives you the right to tell me how I can and cannot talk to you after how you decided to treat me last week." I couldn't lie, it felt great to see him up and around, but I just couldn't believe how suddenly he expected everyone to be so kind to him after last week.

"Look I was cranky, upset, I didn't mean to be so horrible to you or anyone else. Please Temp, just forgive me this once, it won't happen again." He sat down on a spare chair, clearly too tired standing up. I sat down beside him as he rested his crutches on the wall.

"None of us deserved the way you spoke to us last week." He looked down at his feet, twiddling his fingers together. I reassuringly placed my hand on top of his. "We all know that it isn't easy being injured, but snapping at all your friends really isn't going to help you when you want that mate to drive you somewhere, or push your wheelchair around."

"I'm stupid I know Tempest. I shouldn't have said what I said. Of course I know you care for me, and that you always have, I just felt so lonely having to be practically carried backstage." I pulled him into a side hug, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I think there is just one thing missing," I winked. "An actual apology."

"I'm very sorry about the way I spoke to you Tempest." He kissed the top of my head, as I stood up, trying to help him up too. "How about we head down to find Enzo?"

"That sounds good. I think he deserves an apology too." We both giggled, walking down the corridor, very, very slowly.

Be sure to read my most recent post that I updated to find out about something special.

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