Baron Corbin for laceyvengeance

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Everyone always hated the newbie. For the last couple of days, I had been singled out as the new trainee, and quite a few of the girls were rude to me. I knew I had to make a great impression, so I decided to put in a few extra training sessions to make sure I was up to scratch.

After three hours of training in the ring, I was desperate for a drink. I walked over to where the bottles were, when I felt a huge tower shadow over me. I turned round, jumping at the sight of such a huge, muscular man. He giggled quietly at me. "Sorry love, I didn't mean to make you jump."

"It's fine. It was a bit of a pathetic thing to jump at." I calmed myself down, and composed myself so I didn't come across a complete mess.

"Not really. Anyways, my name is Baron." He held out his hand, which I shook.

"I'm Lacey." I replied, still with a bit of nervousness in my voice.

"What a lovely name. So you must be Lacey, as in the new recruit Lacey." I nodded my head, slightly upset that people had almost nicknamed me that. "Don't worry, that was the name I had when I arrived too." I sighed in relief, that it wasn't just me.

"Yeah, I'm hoping it won't be sticking." He laughed making me feel a bit more at ease around him. "You must be the only person who has actually had the decency to speak to me yet."

"Yeah, you'll find that there are a few arrogant people in this business, who think they are too high up the hierarchy to associate with people like us." I took a sip of my water, as did Baron, grabbing a towel to wipe the sweat on his forehead. His tight top really showed off his muscles, and I was quite impressed.

"Yeah I noticed." He smiled at me, and I couldn't lie, he did have quite a nice smile too.

"So I guess you're here training?" He asked, looking at the sweat all over my body.

"Just getting a bit more work in, I don't want to be slacking or anything." He walked over to the ring, waving his hand for me to follow him over.

"How about you show me what you've got Lacey." I was eager to try and wrestle with Baron, so I jumped in the ring, just after he finished his sentence. "Someone's keen."

"It'll be nice to wrestle someone who isn't a girl for once." I prepared myself in the corner, throwing my things onto the floor.

"Let's lock up." We locked up, as we moved around the ring, throwing the odd punch, and a few fancy moves. I tried to get a hit on Baron as often as I could. He instructed me to perform a few moves, which I completed successfully, and with ease, if I do say so. We wrestled for about ten minutes, before Baron pulled away, and went to his drink. "I'm impressed."

"Why thank you. I can't help it, I think it's just my good teacher." I teased. Baron flipped his hair like a diva. "Oh, I was on about Sara." He gasped, crossing his arms in a strop. "I'm joking." I smiled, walking over to him. I pulled him into a hug, as a gesture of my thanks for helping me. "Thanks for helping me out."

"It was nothing really, I enjoyed myself." To hear Baron say he enjoyed working with me, made my day, someone was finally accepting me in NXT, and didn't want me kicked out as soon as possible. "You're a nice girl."

"I'm nice. Is that all you can say, I'm nice." It was my turn to throw the fake strop, however for someone to call me nice in the company right now was a huge step.

"For now, but I'd like to maybe get to know you a bit better." I grabbed my drink again, jumping out and grabbing my jumper.

"Is that an offer of some sort Baron?" He jumped out, following after me.

"It might be. It depends if you want it to be?" He knew exactly what he was doing, and the game he was playing. Baron was a tease, I could already tell, and me and him were going to get on great.

"Well, I wouldn't say no." As good as Baron was at playing games, I knew I was just that little bit better.

"So if I say I will meet you outside at seven tonight, you'd say yes." I walked up to him, placing a hand on each of his shoulders.

"Yes." I simply replied. I got a bit over excited at the prospect of going out with Baron, but he seemed like such a lovely guy, I couldn't not at least give him a chance.

"Brilliant. See you tonight then Lacey." He walked off to the shower block, wrapping a towel around his neck.

"See you tonight." I clarified, doing a little happy dance inside. "Wow." I whispered, just so I could hear, as he walked into the block. I left the Performance Centre dreaming of what may happen tonight.

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