Baron Corbin for canadiangirlx

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"Is that a bit of facial hair I see growing there Corbin?" Baron and I were sat backstage as we prepared for the live house show we were doing tonight. We were both always so relaxed compared to everyone else, and didn't really fuss about how perfect their match had to be. We were a lot more about the fun and socialising aspect of wrestling.

"Even if it was, you'd only be jealous Ashley." I pinched his chin, counting the two singular hairs I could see growing. A few superstars gave us some odd looks as they walked past all stressing and worrying.

"I'm sure jealous of all that Baron." I raised his hand, placing it under my chin. "Feel how smooth that is, that's exaclty how yours should feel."

"Well I'm very sorry." He placed a hand on my shoulder faking his concern about the situation. "Why don't you just pull them out, make the whole world a happier place?"

"I might just do that." I leaned in to his face, grabbing a dark hair in between my fingers. "I'll try not to hurt you precious." I twirled it around, tugging on it lightly.

"Ow!" I jumped back, as Baron nearly toppled over laughing. "I cannot believe you fell for that." His words were muffled by his hiccups of laughter in between what he was trying to say.

"Will you two just get a room?" I looked to my left and saw Enzo coming towards us, sat next to Baron. "I mean seriously, you two act like an old married couple."

"We do not!" We both protested at the exact same time.

"See, you're even synchronised with your sentences. If that isn't a sign, I don't know what is." I never really understood everyone's fascination with the two of us, and why they were all obsessed with teasing us about our friendship.

"There is no signs Enzo. Don't be so stupid." Baron looked as confused as I did as to what signs we had ever given off to anyone.

"If you say so." He skipped off back to the dressing room, as I pulled my hair back into a ponytail. "What is it with these people?"

"I don't know, and frankly I don't care." I nodded in agreement, as Baron straightened his beanie on the top of his head. "However what I do care about is my stray facial hairs, you've made me feel really self-conscious about these now Ashley." I noticed I had got one, and there was just one left in the middle of his chin.

"You big baby." I teased, quickly pulling it before he had the chance to make me jump or squeal. "You're welcome by the way."

"Oh Ashley, thank you so much, how can I ever repay you for this huge favour I have asked of you." Baron fell onto his knees pleading in front of me.

"Get up doofus." I ordered, dragging him up by his top.

"Well I was going to come and sit with you, but I'd hate to think I would be interrupting something." The crate I was sitting on shook, as Bull pulled me into a side hug, shaking Baron's hand.

"There is nothing to interrupt." I was becoming tiresome of the remarks I had to listen to every single day. Baron seemed to shrug them off so easily, however with me, they stuck with me, and I always would think about them whenever I was with Baron.

"Anyways I won't stop. I just wanted to let you know that me and you are in a match together Corbin, so I thought I'd just wish you luck." As horrible as it sounded, as Bull jumped off the crate I felt myself raise slightly. We waved him off, as he pulled his boots up further.

"Do you not think everyone is acting a bit strange around us recently." People were getting to me, and I was interested to know Baron's opinion on what people were saying.

"Maybe they're trying to tell us something." I couldn't quite work out what they could be possibly trying to tell us, so sat silent waiting for him to continue. "I mean all these flirtatious comments, maybe the guys are seeing something that we aren't."

"Oh yeah. Like what?" I thought we just acted how usual friends do, but apparently we didn't.

"Like maybe, I should take you out tomorrow and we can see if what the guys are trying to tell us is real or not." Strangely I could feel a few butterflies in my stomach, but Baron was my best friend, and nothing would ever change that.

"Like a date?" I asked. He laughed at how clueless I was.

"Yeah. Like a date." He repeated. "I mean what is the worst that could happen, me and you go back to being the best of friends. Baron and Ashley. Bashley."

"Bashley!?" I was half cringing and half laughing at how stupid that ship name was. "Really? No one even calls us that."

"I know. Maybe it could be our little thing." I liked the idea of a little name that the two of us had together.

"Yeah, that would be cool." Baron pulled me into a hug, as we walked back to our dressing rooms to finish our ring gears off.

"So, this date we are going on..."

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