Jey Uso for akiramyles

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There are many unfortunate things that happen in this world, one of those things definitely has to be injury. My boyfriend Jey had been sidelined with an injury, however it provided me with the perfect opportunity to look after my boyfriend and make sure once he'd recovered he would be fighting fit and better then ever. He was resting on the sofa, as I walked up to him, sitting on the floor next to his head.

Jey stirred in his sleep rolling over, allowing me to run my hand through his braids. His eyes fluttered open softly, looking straight over at me. "Hey babe," I smiled, leaning down and kissing his lips. "How is your shoulder?" I asked, as he adjusted the tight bandage wrapped around it.

"A bit painful, but I'm used to it." I felt so sorry for him having to go through all this pain, it was unbearable to watch him have to grit his teeth daily, pretending to be fine when he wasn't.

"You know what would make your shoulder a bit better?" I winked at him, running a hand down his arm, intertwining our hands as one.

"I don't know Akira, but for how much pain I am in, I'll try anything." I pulled a sad face at him making him weakly smile at me.

"What about a little back and shoulder rub from yours truly?" As soon as I recommended that, a smile finally appeared on his face for the first time in months. I could see delight in his eyes, and a bit of eagerness in his body, as his muscles began to tense.

"Babe, I'd love nothing more right now then that. It sounds perfect." I smiled giving him another kiss, before turning him round so he was lying on the sofa on his tummy. I straddled over his back, settling myself nicely on his bum, before rolling his top up. Jey had always had strong back muscles, and to be able to rub them and make them better was one of the best feelings.

"You comfortable sweet. Your shoulder all good? I mean I can't begin to imagine how pressure you must be feeling on your body right now with me sat on it." I asked, knowing him being comfortable was my number one priority.

"Nonsense, you weigh less then a feather, trust me I've had heavier people sat on me before, remember what I do for a living. Anyway you are so light and thin you could never hurt me. I'm comfortable so stop worrying." He reached behind him grabbing my hand squeezing it.

"I'll hold you to that about not being able to hurt you by the way." I whispered, releasing my hand from his, before I slowly started rubbing his shoulder gently, so I didn't cause him anymore pain.

"This is so nice sweet. You really didn't have to do this for me." I could see Jey's smile as he laid his cheek on the pillow. I moved my hands down his muscular back.

"My man is in pain, so I'm gonna do something about it." I kissed the back of his head. I tried to be as careful as possible, I really didn't want to cause him any pain.

I carried on massgaing the back of his body for a few more minutes. There was a comfortable silence between the two of us, as we just enjoyed the rare time we were able to spend together alone. It was so nice having Jey home for a while, we never really got to spend alone time together anymore with the pressures of his job.

I'd worked my way around his body, before kicking my leg back over him, removing myself from his body. Jey sat up and pulled me back down so I was on his lap. I snuggled into his chest tightly, pulling the blanket from the sofa and draping it over us. "I'll have to pay the favour pack one day Akira." He whispered.

"I'd like that." I replied before pecking his lips and settling down wrapped up in his arms.

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