Ryback for DanielBryGoat

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After a long tired day at work, there was nothing I wanted more then to go home and rest. Little did I know, my fiancé, Ryback, had arranged a little something. I came home to see a note telling me how he was at the beach, and that he left the car for me to drive down. I got out my favourite attire, my denim ripped shorts, a white vest, and my beige waistcoat. I added another coat of makeup, and headed down to the beach.

I took a long walk to try and find Ryback. I found him at the other end of the beach, resting on a blanket, eyes shut, looking up at the sky. I ran up to him, hoping he wouldn't hear me, before leaping on top of him. He jumped up in shock, as I laughed at him. "That was horrible." He told me, lifting me up, and sitting up himself. I took his sunglasses off of his face, so I could look into his eyes.

"I couldn't miss the opportunity." He opened up a wicker basket which was just to his left. He opened it up, to reveal a variety of my favourite foods. "Aww babe." I squealed, pecking his cheek, grabbing one of the bags of sweets. They were my favourites, jelly beans, and I couldn't wait to start eating them. "This is your beautiful." I relaxed onto the blanket.

"I just thought, that I hadn't taken you out for a while since we got engaged, and I just didn't want you to forget about how much I loved you." I could see in his eyes how much he meant  it. His eyes were always something that attracted me to him.

"I never forget that, because you know how much I love you too." I grabbed another bag of sweets to snack on, as we looked out into the night sky reflecting beautifully into the ocean.

"Good." He replied kissing me softly, being careful not to be too tactile in public. "I was thinking perhaps we could drop the stuff at the car, and go for a beach walk, seeing as it is such a lovely night."

"That's a great idea." I grabbed his hand, pulling his huge frame up, packing away the things. I picked up the basket, shutting the lid.

"Here," he offered out his hand, "let me take that." I didn't want to refuse his offer, so I slotted the basket into his hand, and my own hand into the other. "It's such a beautiful night." He whispered, as the mood between us was so calm and relaxed.

"I always take for granted how lucky we truly are to live by the beach." I absorbed the scene in front of me, admiring how amazing the beach looked.

"I know Katelynn. It's amazing how blessed we are in general." I looked up at him, as he was considerably taller then me, enticed by every word he spoke.

"Yeah, I mean I must be pretty blessed to be with such an amazing man like you." I said sweetly. Ryback giggled at me.

"You're too sweet." He pecked my nose, simply because it was just how far he could reach as I was so small. "I think I'm the more blessed out of the two of us though."

"I beg to differ." I knew I'd probably end up losing this, as I usually did, but I had to sneak at least one comment into it.

"Just face it, you're going to lose, let's just end it that I'm the more grateful one." He winked at me, making me go slightly weak at the knees. Even after so many years, he had a power, that could make me go mad for him in seconds.

"I blame it entirely on the fact you hold a championship and I don't." Ryback was the current Intercontinental Champion, and I was just a jobber, used sparingly when they didn't want a match based on the revolution.

"That's partly it, but I think it is mainly the gorgeous woman who I'm gonna marry." I felt my cheeks then into a slight blush. I disguised it by turning to my left and looking back into the ocean. "You're blushing."

"How do you know?" I asked, embarrassed that he saw me.

"I just know you too well." He snaked his arm around my waist, pinching my hip slightly. He stopped us for a moment twirling me around, so the moon was shining right down on me. He made me go under his arm and back around. "So gorgeous." He whispered, pulling me into a moonlight kiss.

"As are you, my rather big prince charming." I ran my hand over the top of his head, trailing his spine right down to his lower back. "As cute as this moment is, I'm getting quite cold now, can we go home?" Ryback chuckled lightly at me, as we began the trek back to the car, which was still so far away.

"Only you babe, only you." He whispered with a laugh. I slapped him on the arm, pretending to be offended.

"Wait." He stopped immediately freezing, listening intently to what I had to say. "Can we take a quick selfie before we go?" He again, shook his head at me.

"Of course sweet." I got my phone out of my pocket, twirling the two of us round, without losing contact, so the moon was behind us. I went to take it, when I felt a hand on my cheek, and lips pressed to my cheek. I swiped the screen to look at the image I had taken. "Perfect." Ryback said, kissing me one last time.

"Perfect." I repeated.

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