This Is My Wish ~ Seth Rollins

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"You're gonna have to be patient with me tonight WWE Universe." Standing in the ring alone was one of the scariest things I had ever done. I was only known as Triple H's daughter, nothing else.

"Two years ago the most perfect man on the planet asked me to be his girlfriend, and of course I accepted." The crowd erupted into cheers, knowing full well I was talking about Seth.

Seth's music played out and he walked down in a beautiful black suit, his hair slicked back, smiling at me. "Happy 2 year anniversary Nika. Looking as beautiful as ever." He kissed my lips as I hugged him tight.

"Thanks babe. For our 2 year anniversary I wanted to do something special. So in front of the best fans in the world I wanted to do something special, and sing our song." His face dropped in excitement.

A member of the tech team gave me a better microphone and a stool, as I grabbed Seth's hand and pulled him onto the stool, standing in front of him. I took a shaky breath before raising the microphone to my mouth,

"This is my wish

My wish for the world

That peace will find its way

To every boy and girl

This is the time

The time for harmony

Let love be the song

That everybody sings

Filll the air with joyful noise

Ring the bell and raise your voice

Let there be peace on Earth

Let there be peace on Earth

Lift your light, let it shine

Shine, shine, shine

Let every voice be heard

Let there be peace on Earth

I hear the sweetest sound

The sound of hope to come

Together we could bring

Good will to everyone

Let it start with you

Let it start with me

Let every nation rise

And sing this melody

Fill the air with joyful noise

Ring the bell and raise your voice

Let there be peace on Earth

Let there be peace on Earth

Lift your light and let it shine

Let it shine, shine, shine

Let every voice be heard

Let there be peace on Earth

ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh

Let there be peace on Earth

ohhhh yeah

Fill the air with joyful noise

Ring the bell and raise your voice

Let there be peace on Earth

Let there be peace on Earth

Lift your light and let it shine

Let it shine, shine, shine

Let every voice be heard

Let there be peace on Earth."

"Nika, that was beautiful." This moment could not get any more perfect. He stood up kissing me. It felt just like the first time we kissed 2 years ago.

"Happy Anniversary Seth! I love you." The crowd cheered as we realised the microphones were still on laughing.

"I love you too. Hopefully for many more years in the future." We walked backstage as Seth picked me up bridal style making me squeal in happiness.

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