Photograph ~ Dean Ambrose {Part 3}

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Dean's POV

I sat stunned, as I realised I was finally falling for Danielle. Her smile, her hair, her eyes, just everything. "Ya know, Renee always used to slag you off when she was with the divas." Danielle spoke up, immediately grabbing my attention.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, saying she was with you for your money, and that if you didn't have money she would have run a mile. Which I'm hastent to add, I wouldn't!" Her words stung, as realism hit me hard in the face as to how I had never realised how horrible Renee was.

I was just glad I had Danielle now to help me, and love me. Maybe?

3 years later, Valentines Day...

I led my lady down onto the beach where I was taking her on a beautiful moonlit beach walk to celebrate valentines day.

"Its beautiful isn't it dean?" She looked up at me, wrapping her arm around my waist. I copied her action, leaning down and kissing her head.

"Just like you then." I replied, as cliché as it sounded.

Later on...

Danielle was looking out into the sunset, as I stood behind her protectively. 'This would be the perfect time,' I thought to myself, so I reached in my pocket and got down on one knee and waited for her to turn around. I lightly tucked on her trousers so she might turn around, but I just had to bide my time. After what felt like forever, Danielle turned around and gasped.

"I love you so much beautiful. You've proven to me that I can love again, and that not all women are horrible and mean. You've changed my life in so many ways, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Danielle, will you make me the luckiest guy alive, and marry me?" I felt my heart rate pick up, as I knelt nervously staring at her for an answer. I saw a tear slide down her cheek, as I so desperately wanted to wipe it away.

"Yes, of course I will, I love you too much."

After the wedding, Monday Night Raw...

Danielle's POV

I sat down looking through some of my recent photographs I had taken. The chair next to me slid along the floor, as I looked up and saw Renee take a seat next to me. I was so tempted to just stand up and leave, but that wasn't in my nature, so politely smiled at her again, waiting to see what she wanted.

"Why'd yo marry Dean aye? I mean, by the looks of things you've already started a family together?" What she said hurt, as I placed my hand on my growing baby bump.

"You'll never know the real Dean, and I pity you. You tried to turn him into something he isn't, there is no surprise that you're relationship didn't work. He isn't mean, or horrid, or spiteful, or any of the things you made him out to be. So sort it out Renee, and go running back to Tom." She leaned forward, her face in mine.

"I'd rather have Tom for a husband, then Dean. I have a winner with dignity and self respect. What do you have? Nothing but a dirty, lonely piece of trash. A loser." I felt the urge to punch her in the face, but kept my cool, as I saw the boys walk over to me, as Dean pecked my cheek.

"Everything okay?" I nodded, staring Renee down. I got up carefully, walking out, but not before I spoke to Renee,

"I have more of a man for a husband then you will ever have. I'm proud to call him my husband, and really couldn't care less what you think Renee, you're a nobody, at least I'm a somebody." I screamed storming out, the boys following behind nervously.

8 months later...

Dean's POV

I sat in the living room with Danielle. She had our newborn daughter, Ella in her arms. I had one of Danielle's cameras around my neck, as we held our own photoshoot.

I sat there, thinking to myself how perfect my life truly was, after such a bad spell. Life always takes unexpected turns, but luckily mine was for the better. And now I have a gorgeous baby girl all to myself, and a beautiful wife who I'm so glad I got to find. I didn't think life could ever be this great, but my job, my friends, and my family made it the most amazing thing in the planet. A life I will treasure, as never take for granted. I was blessed. There were no other words to describe it. I was a living a life that only really exist in fairy tales, but it's my life, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

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