Hideo Itami for xo_Niala

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"Are you ready for our match tonight gorgeous?" I placed a hand reassuringly on Hideo's thigh as we prepped for our first ever mixed tag team match together as a couple.

"Hideo is ready." He raised a fist up in the air as our opponents Nia Jax and Samoa Joe walked past. We both sat up straight, neither wanting to lose the stare we held over each other.

"We're gonna smash it! We've got this." I took off my NXT hoodie which I so proudly wear as I stretched for the final time. The adrenaline started pumping around both of our bodies with excitement and anticipation. We both were always so supportive of each other, but there was something about going out their together that made it extra special.

"And their opponents..." my entrance was a blur as I walked down the ramp of Full Sail University. The fans were so excited to watch the match, I felt incredibly humbled to perform in front of them.

I turned around and saw Hideo walking down to meet me at the bottom of the ramp. He hugged my side and kissed my cheek. "Let's go beautiful," he whispered as we both jumped onto the apron. My true gentleman held the ropes apart for me to climb in as I jumped on the second rope.

Everything went so quickly for the first few minutes, I stood behind the ropes jeering Hideo on, eager for the crowd to get involved. Slowly his body was evidently tiring, both men were working to their maximums. "Come on babe!" I desperately reached my hand out for the tag. He gritted his teeth as I stamped my foot. Our fingers slightly touched as I began to climb in. My right hand was wrapped around the rope to help me get in. Butterflies were in my stomach as Hideo placed his sweaty hand on top of mine giving it a squeeze.

"You got this." I smiled before turning around to begin tearing Nia down.

I grabbed her leg as the referee slammed the mat three times. "Here are your winners, Hideo Itami and Deja." I looked to our corner as Hideo came over and swooped me off of my feet pulling me into a huge hug. We were both overcome with happiness we didn't really know how to react.

"I'm so proud of you," he whispered into my eye. I left the hug raising his arm up in the air. I squeezed as we looked into each other's eyes with huge smiles.

Every winning moment was an amazing feeling but nothing topped being able to celebrate with my boyfriend beside me. I looked out into the sea of adoring fans, each one clapping and screaming for us. Hideo came up behind me snaking his arms around my waist kissing my neck and cheek once each. "Let's go." Once again my prince separated the ropes for me as we walked backstage hand in hand.

"That was absolutely incredible." I jumped around ecstatic with how well the match went. "I never thought I'd be able to go out there and share that moment with you."

"Me neither, but we did it, and we sure as hell rocked it." Hideo kissed my lips one last time before we went our separate ways to the locker room to make ourselves a bit less sweaty and presentable, ready for a night of celebrations.

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