Jeff Hardy Part 3 for SieraSmith6

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"Lets go." Jeff turned the engine on, driving the car out of the car park and onto the main road.

"How long is it to the hotel?" I asked looking over at him as he concentrated on the road.

"About fifteen minutes." I nodded, pulling my phone out for something to do to amuse myself. Five minutes in and Jeff decided to put the radio on, Fall Out Boy coming on. He turned it up loud as the two of us bounced around in the car to the songs on the album.

"Watch where you're going," I said to Jeff as he got slightly too excitable for my liking when he was driving.

"Sorry." He replied, sitting still again, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. Our jam was cut short when exactly ten minutes later we arrived at the hotel. I unbuckled my seat belt as Jeff ran back around to my side of the car, opening the door for me. I jumped out of the door, as he gave me a hand.

"Thank you." I said to him, squeezing his hand slightly. He went to the boot, pulling out both of our bags. I bent down to pick mine up only to feel a hand already on the handle.

"I've got it." Jeff told me, pulling mine and his case up, wheeling them to the main entrance. We stepped into the grand hotel, that luckily cost us nothing, walking up to the reception desk. The woman smiled up at us.

"What name is the room for?" She asked.

"Oh, no, we've got two separate ones. Hardy and Smith." The woman clicked around on the computer for a bit, wheeling her seat out to go and grab the keys.

"We could have just stayed in one room you know." He said to me winking.

"Jeff! We've known each other for less then a day, don't get too ahead of yourself." The woman came back, handing us the keys as we thanked her. I looked at my key, number nine, then to Jeff's, two hundred and thirty. "We're so far apart." I said to him as he looked between the two keys.

"Maybe you should stay with me then, how can I look after you when you're so far away." I giggled awkwardly as we walked over to the elevator.

"How about I go and drop my bag off, then I'll come up to your room in a bit?" He nodded, leaving me with my bag when we got to my floor. I wheeled my case down the corridor, walking into my giant room, throwing my case on the floor and jumping on the bed. I checked social media, and unpacked a few things, checking my appearance in the mirror and slightly touching up my make up, then left to go and find Jeff.

I reached his hotel room, knocking on the door. "It's open!" I heard him shout, turning the handle and walking in. I noticed him lying down on his bed, grinning over to me. He waved for me to join him as I uncomfortably walked over, perching on the end of the bed. "I don't bite," he told me, placing his hand on my waist and pulling me down. I laid on my back looking up at the ceiling biting the inside of my lip. "That's not what I meant." He said, tugging at my waist again, rolling my sideways into his chest. I laid onto his chest, placing my arm across his wasit. "See it's not that bad."

"Mhm." I replied, staring over at the wall. We laid in silence for a few minutes until Jeff spoke up.

"You know, I still haven't asked you to be my girlfriend." I giggled slightly.

"Well if that was your way of asking me, that's the most unromantic way I've ever been asked." I felt him shake his head.

"No, I'm going to ask you properly." He sat me upright as he sat up too, sitting opposite me, holding my hands. "Alright, Siera, will you possibly be my girlfriend?" I lightly laughed at his attempt of romance.

"Of course I will," I replied as he pulled me into his chest, kissing the top of my head, pulling me back down into a laying position.

"My first hug with my girlfriend!" He exclaimed. I laughed lightly, feeling a lot more comfortable in his touch.

"You're too cute." I told him, as I felt him kiss the top of my head once again.

"Stay tonight?" He asked me. I nodded in reply, a bit too tired to speak. "Good, because I'd love to wake up to your gorgeous face in the morning." I looked up, lightly pecking his lips, laying back down and shutting my eyes.

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