Hitch A Ride ~ Dean Ambrose

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I was walking to the gym with Paige and AJ, "so what is happening with you and Dean then Emma?" Paige asked. Since FCW I have had quite a big crush on him, but have always been quite scared to tell him. He had recently been in a relationship with Summer Rae, but that didn't end well.

"Not much, I think he is trying to work things out with Sunmer anyways." They both pulled me into a hug. We walked into the gym to see Dean and Summer working out together. I felt my heartbreak a little at the sight of the two of them together happily. Dean looked ovet and smiled, I weakly smiled back.

Dean's POV

I looked over at the door as in walked AJ, Paige and Emma. That girl was beautiful, the way her hair fell down the to her waist flawlessly, and her eyes, you just couldn't help but stare into. "Dean why are you staring at that ugly thing. I'm your girlfriend pay attention to me." Summer asked. I turned and looked at her. Why did I ever date this girl. "I hate that girl, honestly she thinks she is something she is not." I looked at her mentally slapping her in the face.

"Summer sweetie, I wasn't looking at Emma, I was thinking about how you are such much better then her." She laughed flicking her extensions and kissing me on the lips. I looked back at Emma, wondering how I could make her mine.

Later on me, Summer, Renee, Seth, and Roman were sat in catering. It was so busy today there were no seats free, well apart from one on our table. Emma walked in sweating from her workout, how did she still manage to look so beautiful?! She got her food and looked around for an empty seat. I prayed silently she would see the one on our table. She saw the seat and came over. "Do you mind if I sit here guys?" Summer glared at her and Seth pulled the chair out.

"Sure you can, take a seat girly!" She thanked him as I subtly stared at her beautiful features.

Emma's POV

I sat down feeling rather uncomfortable in Summer's presence. I could feel her staring nastily at me as I sat in silence eating, hoping to get out of here as quick as possible. I nearly finished when Summer pulled her chair out making an awful screech across the floor and leaned over the table directly at me. "You know Emma, not many people like you here." Here she goes again I thought. "None of us like you, I mean it was only 15 minutes ago we were all saying how much of a bitch you were. The jokes we have at your expense our quite funny Emma. Actually maybe you should hear some. How about the-" She was cut off,

"Summer, shut up!" Renee defended me. I stood up running out of there as the tears fell like waterfalls. How could they do that? How could Dean do that? When he smiled at me earlier, it was all just an act. I screamed out in anger walking back to the gym to let all my fustration out.

After an hour of working out, I looked at the clock and realised I only had an hour to get to the arena. I walked back out looking for Paige. I ran to the locker room and saw Brie. She turned round and gave me a hug. "Hey Brie, do you know where Paige is, she was meant to take me to the arena?"

"Sorry Emma, she left early for some reason. I would offer you a lift with us, but our car is full up." She looked at me apologetically.

"It's fine don't worry Brie." I replied walking off and grabbing my jacket. I got to the exit and saw the rain hammering down. I didn't want to go out in it, but what choice did I have. I tried my best to cover my hair in my hood and started to speed walk to the arena.

Seth's POV

Me and Roman were in his car on the way to the arena for tonights show. We were about half way through the journey, when we saw a poor girl with a heavy bag, struggling to go to wherever she was going. We drove past her and I turned back aroumd in my seat to get a good look at her. "Emma!" I exclaimed. I recognised that face anywhere. "Roman, we need to pull over, that was Emma in the rain." He looked at me and smiled mischievously.

"No Seth, I have a better idea, ring Dean and tell him, it will be a perfect excuse for the two of them how they really feel about each other." I smiled at his plan and got my phone out to ring Dean. Voicemail.

Dean's POV

I pulled over as I just missed my phone ringing. I looked at who it was. Seth. I played his voicemail.

"Hey Dean, so we were just going past the Italian resraurant when we saw Emma walking. So pick her up, and whatever you do, tell her how you feel, she feels the same trust me. She has a heavy bag and a beige raincoat on so when you see her stop. See you soon bro. Seth."

I sped up as I tried desperately to find her. After a couple of minutes driving around I saw a beige raincoat with some strands of hair hanging loose. I pulled over just infront of her and got out of the door walking infront of her. "What do you want?" She snapped. I looked at her as she stared back at me emotionless.

"Just in the damn car Emma before you catch your death and let me take you." She got in the passenger side as I walked back round. Only there was one thing I couldn't get out of my head, Seth's comment, "she feels the same, trust me!"

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