Innocent Until Proven Guilty ~ Dean Ambrose

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I sat cradling my daughter, Romanin Shauni in my arms. We sat on the sofa watching the immature programmes on the telly. We were sat minding our own business. My husband Dean recently commited a murder, but is calling it self defence. He was currently in his court case, I would have gone down, but my daughter is my priority at the moment. I was interrupted by my thoughts when I heard a loud knocking on the door. I lifted Romanin from my lap and onto the sofa as the banging continued. "Alright I get it!" I shouted hoping they would stop. I unlockled the chain and opened the door. "Dean!" I exclaimed. He looked like he had been crying, I reached forward slowly touching his cheek, I just didn't believe that it was him. "What are you doing here?"

"Can I come in then I'll explain." I cautiously allowed him indoors as he made his way to the living room as I made the both of us a cup of tea. I took it in but stopped in the doorway mesmerised by the scene. Dean and Romanin were in a tight embrace as if they were squeezing the life out of each other. I placed the tea down on the table as Dean looked up at me. "Sweetie, why don't you go play upstairs whilst Mummy and Daddy chat for a bit." She got up and made her way to her room. Dean joined me on the sofa as his hair fell perfectly in front of his face. "I understand this is all a bit surreal right now, but somehow I am not going to jail babe. There was enough evidence to see me not guilty, so we can be a proper family again." He sounded so sincere, but something was telling me this was all so wrong.

"Don't you get it? You killed a man, self defence or not. I knew you had anger issues, but this, just is too far." He looked at me very apolgetically, but I couldn't take him back after all he had done.

"I know, and I'm sorry Velvet Sky, I really am. Let me make it up to you, correct my mistakes." I shook my head as I felt fresh tears slowly fall down my cheek. Dean wiped them away smiling sweetly.

"I need time. This is all so much. For the rest of my life I have to know my husband is a murderer. We can build the trust and love, but for know we are friends and parents." He nodded his head in a slow motion, I knew it was hard for him, but in my heart this was for the best. He kissed my cheek before sitting back down. "Anyways, I think you have a daughter to make up a lot of time with right now." He laughed nodded immediately replying with a, "definately!" For now this was how things would be, but I had my husband back, and that is all I could ever ask for.

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