Randy Orton for OctaviaDupstepMelody

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I ran my hands through my rainbow hair, as I added the finishing touches to my goth bra, and my lime green shorts. I checked my attire out one more time, before preparing for the debut of my alter ego Emerald Jewels. I was in a match with Eva Marie, and I was beyond excited.

My love walked through the door, kissing my temple. "Good luck tonight precious." He reminded me.

"I don't need luck, I've been taught by the best." I was quietly confident in myself and my ability. I knew I had it in me to do amazing and really show myself off, especially against a rookie like Eva.

"I know Jade, but I'm just trying to be a supportive boyfriend." Is slightly hurt Randy's feelings, so I pecked his lips before preparing to leave.

"Yeah, and I appreciate it." I replied picking up my bright pink water bottle to take to the gorilla post with me. "I gotta go." I kissed Randy quick, before heading down to the ring.

"Making her way to the ring, from Jacksonville Florida, she is the NXT women's champion, Emerald Jewels." I looked down, checking myself out one more time, running down to the ring greeted by many surprise cheers. I hit a few hands, as my entrance wasn't perfect just yet so it wasn't set in stone. Eva was giving me an icy glare, so I gave her a little wave. I knew Randy would be watching me and cheering me on, and I knew I had to do him proud.

The match was going incredibly well for me, not so much Eva. She was mucking moves up, and making me look awful. I kept shouting at her to do things properly, but she just wasn't executing things at all. I kept making the moves difficult, in an attempt to humiliate her a little bit more. I was beyond frustrated that my debut was going this bad. "What are you? Call yourself a wrestler?" I yelled, forgetting that the crowd was there, who started chanting my name.

I hit my finisher picking up a really simple win. I was disappointed as to how awful the match was. I was angry in myself, but mainly angry in Eva. I walked backstage, kicking a few crates in frustration. "Woah, woah calm down." Randy came up behind me, pulling me into his side.

"That match was terrible." I broke down in his arms, tears streaming down my face. He cupped my face, sitting me down on a crate with a bottle of water.

"What are you on about? Nonsense. You were amazing, it's only Eva who made the match what it was. You should be so proud babe, because I'm proud of you." His words made me feel a little bit better then before, but I still wasn't completely happy with how things unfolded.

I watched as Eva walked backstage with her red cape tied around her neck. I stared her down as she flicked her hair behind her. I was so tempted to run at her, but Randy placed a supportive hand on my leg to stop me. "It's fine, I'm not going to do anything." I reassured him, dragging myself to the changing rooms to sort myself out. My hair and makeup were awful, and I had a small rip in my green shorts, which just about finished off my bad day.

"Jade? Can I come in?" I could hear Randy outside, so I wrapped a towel around myself letting him in. "You alright now?" The question definitely had an obvious answer, and he didn't really need to ask me.

"I think so. It's just there has been so much build up and pressure, and I feel like all the hype surrounding me has been for nothing." I refused to cry again and made sure to be strong about it all, especially around Randy.

"Well that is crazy. The crowd loved you, they chanted your name and wanted a high five, they love you already. You know how much they hate Eva, I think they can realise when they see a true wrestler." I nodded, understanding every word he said.

"Yeah, I just hope that my next match can at least be with a wrestler." Randy chuckled at me, as I threw my ring gear into my bag.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll always be with you anyways." He told me, grabbing my hand, kissing the top of my head.

"Good, because I'll always have you."

A/N- For the last time, please if you change your username tell me. If not, I will NOT be doing your one shot anymore

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