Dean Ambrose for kggggg110

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I had just finished putting down our new baby daughter again, as I went back into our bedroom to try and get an hour or so's worth of sleep. I was dressed in a strappy vest and pyjama bottoms, my body still quiet tired from the birth. I walked through the door and past the big mirror when I noticed my vest had ridden up slightly. The bare patch of skin showing still had my purple stretch marks across. The marks were something I hated about my body, ruining what was once a flawless tummy. I took a couple of steps closer towards the mirror to try and get a better look at them. I was trying to see if the colour was getting lighter in the hope they would disappear.

"What are you doing?" I looked up at Dean who was resting on the door frame. I quickly pulled my vest down walking over to my side of the bed. "Karleigh don't lie to me, I was watching you." He walked into the room, sitting on the bed beside me.

"It was nothing, I was just having a look at my body post pregnancy." I laid down resting my head on the pillow, Dean copying my actions so we were looking at each other.

"And you're happy with it right?" I looked right into his eyes, shaking my head. As soon as I heard him ask the question I felt the tears surface.

"What? Why?"

"I have all these horrible lines across my tummy Dean, they are awful, how can you find any of this attractive." I picked the vest back up, showing Dean where all my stretch marks lie on my stomach. He raised his hand, tracing over every single one of them.

"You know, those aren't stretch marks. They are powerful marks that show just how strong you are. Strong enough to give birth to a beautiful baby yet still look as effortless as you did nine months ago." I hid my face into the pillow as Dean took his hand away from my tummy.

"Why do you always know what to say?" I could feel and hear Dean move closer towards me, placing a hand on my hip.

"I'm your husband, I know exactly what to say. It hurts you know to see such a remarkable woman sad about her body, so I'll always do everything in my power to make you feel better." He snaked his arms around my waist pulling me round and on top of him into a hug.

" careful, I'm heavy now." He let me back down thankfully, looking over at me in shock.

"Are you joking? You aren't heavy at all,  you've got to be kidding. You've just given birth it takes time." He pulled me into the side of his body giving me a hug and kissing the top of my head.

"I know, I just wish the time when I'm back to my usual weight would come now, not all this waiting for it to disappear." I placed my hand on his chest as my eyes slowly started to droop.

"I'll be here and so will the little one, to me you're still perfect even with all your imperfections." I looked up pecking his lips.

"I'm sorry I'm so insecure," I whispered.

"You never have to apologise to me, I'm just here to make you feel better." He rested his head on top of mine, running his hand along my side as he noticed I was getting sleepy. "You get some rest princess, I'll be here." My eyes shut as I went into my dream. I could feel Dean's touch along my waist and hip as he left little kisses on the top of my head. I was just about to drop when I heard a wailing cry come from the next room. "I got it," Dean said releasing me from his grip and sliding off the bed.

"Thanks love," I responded, snuggling further into my pillow and duvet.

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