Surprise, Surprise ~ Dean Ambrose

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Deana"s POV

Sitting backstage watching everyone on the tiny monitor was one of the most boring times of my career. Michael Cole was currently in the ring announcing to the Universe. "Ladies and gentleman, please welcome my guest at this time, the lunatic fringe, Dean Ambrose." I looked puzzled as he walked out to the crowd.

"Did you know he was here Mackenzie?" Nattie asked taking a seat next to me.

"He told me he was in Cincinatti, because Raw didn't need him tonight." I watched intently as he began answering questions Cole fired at him. They talked about his recent rivalry with Seth and Bray, and then moved on to Roman's Royal Rumble win.

"Actually Cole," Dean interrupted him, "there is a reason I am here tonight. You all know my girlfriend Deana, or to me Mackenzie to me. For the past 2 years she has been the only family I've had. I wanna show you all my appreciation for all that she has done, so can Deana come out please." I got out of my seat as Nattie pulled me in for a hug.

"Go on then girly, see what your man wants." I walked out as my music filled everyone's ear drums.

"Introducing the longest reigning Divas Champion, at 351 days, Deana Garcia!!" The crowd roared in excitement as I strolled over to Dean.

"Hey baby girl." He kissed me softly as I grabbed his hand nervously. He squeezed my hand reassuringly. He raised the microphone to his face, "this girl has been my absolute world for 2 years, and as cliché as it sounds, I wouldn't be who I am today without this girl. The WWE has played such a massive part in our lives, that I felt it was only right I do this in front of you all."

"Dean, what are you doing?" I whispered. Dean looked at me before kneeling down and reaching into his back jeans pocket. He opened the red velvet box to reveal the most beautiful diamond ring I had ever seen.

"I love you so much, and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Mackenzie Garcia, will you marry me?" I felt the tears stream down my face as I wiped them away, nodding my head.

"Yes. A thousand times yes." He got up placing the rock on my finger, kissing my lips before we greeted the crowd, who all congratulated us.

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