Open Doors ~ Dean Ambrose

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It's official! I'm Mrs Ambrose, and I can't quite believe it. We were sat at the wedding reception, with all our friends and family surrounding us, and I can honestly say I've never been happier then I am right now. I looked to my left, and saw my adoring husband looking at me with the biggest grin on his face. "I love you," I whispered into his ear.

"I love you more." He whispered back, planting a kiss on my lips, making me squirm whilst everyone else aww'd. I felt my cheeks get a few shades darker, as Dean walked off to grab a drink. As he went off, I reached down for my clutchbag, and pulled out the stick that was going to change our lives.

My positive pregnancy test.

I couldn't think of a more perfect night to tell him, after everything we've been through, and to have some more good news would just make this day even more perfect. Dean came back over with a drink in his hand, placing it on the table, before placing his hand on my lap. Everyone was up and dancing around, so I took this as the perfect opportunity. I reached for his hand, standing up, leading him towards the outside of the building. We stood on the nearby balcony overlooking the lake, as I placed him in position.

"What's going on?" He asked, as I giggled keeping quiet. He looked at me intrigued as to why I had dragged him out of our reception onto a balcony in the freezing cold.

"Dean, I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and have our own mini you and mini me running around under our feet. I've always wanted kids, and I know you aren't so sure about the idea, but I wanted to give you this." I opened up my bag, and grabbed the test out. "Shut your eyes, and open your hands out." I whispered. His eyes shut firmly tight, and his palms opened out.

I placed the stick in his hands, and stood back ready to see his reaction. "Open," I told him, so he did. He looked down into his hands, studying the test carefully.

"You're pregnant." He said as more of a question. I nodded my head in response, as his jaw hit the floor. "Oh my gosh," he picked me up and twirled me around, kissing my cheek multiple times. "I'm gonna be a Dad Beth, and you're gonna be a Mum."

"I know babe, I'm so excited." He kissed me on the lips, more passionately then he ever has done before, before sitting me on the balcony, running his hands through my braided hair.

"This has honestly been the most perfect night ever. I can't believe we are actually going to have our own baby. It just seems so surreal." I nodded in agreement, too happy to speak. "We should get back inside and tell everyone our fantastic news." He said, before scooping me up bridal style and carrying me back to our seats in the reception.

Dean remained standing, before taking his fork and drinks glass, and banging them together getting everyone's attention. "Ladies and gentleman, I've just received some wonderful news from my wife here. We are expecting a little baby." Everyone jumped up and cheered, as Dean reached down and pecked my lips.

I don't think this day could've gone anymore perfect. I was Mrs Ambrose, with a soon to be Mini Ambrose on the way inside of me.

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