Max's Marvels ~ Dean Ambrose

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Dean's POV

Walking through the corridor with my 4 year old son Max, I looked over at the desk of the wrestling school I teach at, and saw Danielle, the snobby receptionist with her 1 and a half year old daughter Gabby on her lap. You know when you instantly know you don't like someone, that is exactly how i felt about her.

I set up my area, and sent Max off to play in the toys where I could keep an eye on him.

Danielle's POV

I sat Gabby down placing a soft toy in her hand. "There you go sweetheart, mummy will be just there." I pointed over to my desk, as she stuck her thumb in her mouth, ignoring me as she usually does.

I got on with my work, focusing on the task at hand, getting my little work zone bubble. Typing up things all day began to get a bit repetitive after a while.

"Mumma!" I heard yell from the next room, I ran in and saw my baby girl lying on the floor wailing, as Dean's son Max stood smirking with the toy Gabby was playing with in his hand. I picked her up and calmed her down, soothingly rubbing her arm so she knew I was there.

"Where is your father, you stupid little boy!" I yelled grabbing Max by his arm and taking him over to his dad.

As well as being my next door neighbour, I also had work in the next room to Dean on a daily basis. I swung the door open and pushed Max through the door. Dean walked over taking Max off me. "You need to learn to control your son Dean, I found my daughter screaming and crying on the floor, whilst your son stood there with a massive smirk on his face. You need to sort him out and-"

"-woah, Danielle, what if your daughter started it, because let me tell you, she isn't perfect. Now leave my room and do what you are paid to do." I stormed, desperately trying to control my anger.

Dean's POV

Max sat down on my lap, and snuggled into my chest. "Daddy, why don't I have a mummy like Gabby?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me.

"I don't know Max, I don't know where your mum even is." I did know about Max's mum, but he just couldn't know at his age all about it.

I had a drunken one night stand with Renee Young, back when I was in WWE. I had always hoped it would develop into something special. But no, she broke my heart. She sprung her pregnancy on me, and immediately told me that she was not going to have a baby, as she was too focused on her career. So Renee had Max, but immediately gave all rights to me. She had left me no choice but to leave the company, I had a son to provide for and I couldn't travel with him. It just wasn't convenient for either of us.

We got back to the house quite late that night. I led Max in and switched the light switch up, but no light came from the bulb. I then tried the plug, but that didn't work either. The taps had no water coming from them, and my phone had very poor signal. The two of us had no choice but to go next door and find a way to see what is going on.

Danielle's POV

"You gonna pick a movie for Gabby and mummy to watch then sweetie." Gabby clapped, and started throwing all the movies everywhere, selecting any covers that she liked the colours of. I heard three knocks on the door and walked over to see who it was at this time.

I opened it to reveal a young boy with blond hair, and an older man carrying him. Dean and Max. "I don't really want to ask, but have no choice, can I please borrow your phone, and see why I have no power or water please?"

I let him taking him to the kitchen where the phone was. I left him to ring up whoever he was ringing and went back in to the front room where Gabby was. She turned around and saw me, sticking Finding Nemo in my face.

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