Chapter 166 (SwapVerse)

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Karma's first trip outside since the whole mess goes better then expected, even if Oneiro is silently despairing that Template is here as well



Oneiro stepped through the portal and swiftly picked up Karma when he felt them stiffen when they could no longer sense Hearth. He had been expecting this so surrounded them in his magic and quietly comforted them, so very proud they hadn't immediately asked to go back.

"You are doing so well, little raven. Today is going be fun, that i can promise you~"

He said gently as he walked on to the promised meeting spot with Pale, already spotting a few items laid down in the very tranquil AU. It seems that Template hadn't been lying when they said that they had worked hard on creating a perfect AU for Karma, sitting down on the grassy patch that felt more like pillows and placing the babybones in his lap.

Nix suspiciously sniffed the air, only settling down when nothing unexpected turned up and went to sit in Karmas lap when he saw his monster look very uncertain. He butted his head against them, the Bitties soon looking out in interest as well.

"Template made this place for you. He said he added some fun areas to explore and even a few animals~"

Oneiro gently comforted the slightly shaky babybones, continuing to mention all the things Template had added and rather glad that he memorised the mountain of text the Creator had sent him. He gave a brief glance when he noticed Pale, seeing they had stocked up on their emotions and wordlessly taking out the condensed magic ball Hearth gave him and threw it to them.

It should be more then they needed for this visit but he preferred to be prepared, wanting to sigh when Template was also here. They weren't a bad monster but they just never shut up and now they would have a captive audience as Karma did like them.

"Behold! It is i! The most brilliant and dashing hero, Template! Admire the map i have found from a far away land. It leads to great treasure but alas I cannot do this alone. If only i had a brave explorer to help me. Surely there must be one nearby?"

Oneiro truthfully didnt pay that much attention as soon as Template opened their mouth, feeling his eyes glaze over as they droned on and on and wondering just how they did it. It did make Karma perk up though so he could say the sacrifice of listening to it was worth it, nuzzling his child when they let out an inquiring chirp.

"Doesnt that sound fun? You can even show Pale the new magic you have been practising with. I bet they will be impressed~"

He was pretty sure Pale would be impressed if Karma sneezed at them and it would be hypocritical to say he wasnt the same but Karma did need more encouragement in using their Emotion magic.

When the babybones looked much less stressed and less likely to bolt back home, Oneiro handed them over to Pale who swiftly cuddled them, thinking today was going to go well with how curious Karma was becoming.

"Y-You want to see my new magic?"

Karma chirped quietly, clinging onto Pale while pushing his Karmatic magic incrementally to make sure this was all real and it wasnt another illusion. He clung onto the bonds he had, feeling brother was safe and seeing dad nearby was helping a lot.

"Of course i do"

Pale's eyelights were an eclectic yellow today, listening intently to what Karma was saying and not even having to look to accurately trip Template when he felt they were about to start up another monologue again. Template was a useful distraction today and really a last minute addition when Oneiro texted how this would be Karmas first trip outside, knowing Template was better at the emotional stuff then him. He tried but he was still soulless, the fake emotions and children's books only doing so much when he tried his best to help the babybones.

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