Mistletoe (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEVI!!!!!!!!!!! There's still technically 4 more hours until Christmas where I'm at, but for those in different time zones, I'll post this present early. ;)

Even the grim events of the past year couldn't put a damper on Christmas.

The castle that housed the Scout Regiment was decked head-to-toe with all sorts of festive decorations. There was even an enormous tree in the mess hall, with a smattering of colorfully wrapped presents surrounding its trunk. Also, because it was a special occasion, Commander Erwin had ordered an array of treats for everyone – including peppermints and hot chocolate.

The commander had also ordered cookie dough, which is how you ended up in the kitchen this evening, baking and frosting cookies, because everyone agreed that you were the best at it. You could hear all of your comrades in the next room, chatting and playing music. Your ears even picked up on the telltale signs of two of the cadets, Eren and Jean, fighting again. Of course, that fight was promptly ended by Captain Levi.

A minute later, the man himself walked into the kitchen, holding a cup of peppermint tea. He typically took his tea plain, since any add-ins were too expensive for soldiers to afford. However, it seemed that tonight, he was taking advantage of the special treats, just like the rest of you.

The sight made you smile. Levi deserved so much more than this cruel world afforded to him. You were glad that he was enjoying himself for once, especially since today was also his birthday.

"How's it coming?" he asked before leaning against the counter and taking a sip of his drink.

"Just finishing up," you replied as you carefully frosted the last snowman cookie.

Levi set his tea on the counter and stepped closer to have a look. His strong arms slipped around your waist, hugging you from behind. He pressed a kiss to your cheek before peering over your shoulder. "Huh. Not bad, brat," he grumbled.

You blushed. Although you and Levi had been dating for a while, you two seldom showed physical affection – mostly because Levi wasn't comfortable with doing so in front of others. However, when you were alone, he liked to hold onto you. It was as if he wanted to reassure himself that you weren't going anywhere, like the many other loved ones he had lost.

Now that everyone else was busy in the other room, you had the perfect opportunity to cuddle. On instinct, you leaned back into his toned chest, enjoying the sensation of his solid muscles wrapped around you. You always felt so protected and loved when he held you, like nothing bad could ever happen. Thus, it was the perfect way to spend Christmas, in your opinion.

Too soon, his arms left you. "Here, I'll help you carry them out," he muttered as he reached for a tray.

"Thanks!" you chimed.

The two of you brought the cookies out to the mess hall and set them on the long table that was already full of treats. Your comrades watched with bright eyes, and they were quick to compliment you on your baking skills.

"Wow, these look amazing!" Sasha exclaimed as she snatched up five of them in one go.

"Yeah, thanks for making them, Captain (f/n)!" Christa chimed.

"Indeed. Well done, (f/n)," Erwin stated before taking a bite of a gingerbread cookie.

"You should open a bakery!" Hanji suggested cheerfully.

You chuckled. "Maybe someday," you murmured lightheartedly. You knew it would never happen, since you were likely to die in the fight against the titans. However, in the holiday atmosphere, it was nice to pretend that you could all have normal lives for a while.

There were still two more trays of cookies, so you and Levi turned around to go get them. Just as you both reached the doorway, with Levi a step ahead of you, someone pushed you rather roughly into him. Thankfully, Levi had incredible reflexes, and he caught you in his arms.

You immediately looked back to see who had pushed you. "Hanji!" you muttered angrily, balancing on your own feet again. "What gives?"

However, Hanji didn't look the least bit guilty. Instead, she was wearing a devious smirk – the same one she always got whenever she hatched a plan that you were bound not to like. She barely seemed to be able to contain herself.

In fact, the rest of your comrades had gathered around behind her, and they were all wearing similar expressions of amusement and expectation.

"Tch. What are you all smiling at?" Levi grumbled.

"That," Hanji snickered, pointing above your heads.

You and Levi looked up, only to see a sprig of mistletoe hanging from the archway above you.

You blushed, and you glanced down to meet Levi's gaze, unsure of what to do. He was good at hiding his nervousness, but you noticed that his grey-blue eyes had widened almost imperceptibly. For a long moment, you both were too stunned to move.

"My plan worked!" Hanji exclaimed happily. She had been shipping you two for ages, and she was eager to see a physical display of your affection, blissfully oblivious to the fact that Levi wasn't exactly comfortable with having an audience. "You two have to kiss!"

You shifted slightly in order to block the others from seeing your mouth move. "Only if you want to," you whispered so that no one but Levi could hear.

His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. Then, just once, he nodded.

Slowly, he stepped closer to you and reached up, cupping your cheek in his calloused hand. His thumb brushed across your skin with all the gentleness in the world. His gaze flicked to your lips, then to your eyes, then back to your lips. He leaned in...

In the last moment before your lips met, you slid your arms around his neck, pulling him close. You inhaled, tasting the peppermint tea on his breath, unaware of how the familiar flavor had suddenly become so intoxicating. Your whole world seemed to narrow, until it was just you and him.

Then Levi was kissing you. It started off as something soft and tender, your heart melting as his lips molded to yours. Your fingers absentmindedly found the base of his undercut, brushing across the tiny, fuzzy hairs. His free hand slipped around your waist, pulling you closer, and closer, until you were flush against him.

You loved it – the warmth of his mouth on yours, the strength of his body as it wrapped gently around you. In that moment, you forgot all about the treats and the presents. The only thing you wanted and needed to be happy was him. Levi.

As the two of you became lost in each other, the kiss quickly turned passionate. Your friends were cheering and whistling behind you, but you and Levi were too far gone to care. Without so much as a glance in their direction, he swept you up into his arms and carried you to his bedroom, where the two of you could have some privacy.


An hour later, you and Levi returned to the party. Your comrades were all snickering and casting amused glances in your direction, but once Levi snapped at them, they became too scared to continue. The only exception was Hanji, who had no real sense of self-preservation.

The time came to open presents, and so you all gathered around the giant tree. To your surprise, Levi pulled you into his lap and hugged you from behind. Apparently, he had stopped caring about the audience and decided that he just wanted to keep you close. Of course, you didn't mind one bit.

Wads of colorful paper flew around the room as you all tore into your presents. Soon, those same wads of paper started flying into people's faces as a friendly battle broke out. Jean and Eren took things a little too far, and they began fighting for the second time that night.

"Aren't you going to stop them?" you asked when Levi made no move to get up.

"Tch. Let someone else handle it," Levi muttered into your ear. He hugged you a little closer, showing that he wasn't about to let you go. "I'm comfortable here."

You smiled, then twisted your neck to face him, your nose brushing lightly against his. "Happy birthday, Levi," you whispered.

His lips quirked upward ever so slightly. "Merry Christmas, brat."

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