Unconventional Therapy (Levi x Therapist Reader)

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It was your first day as the Scout Regiment's therapist. Like any normal first day, you were both excited and scared. However, your predecessor's last words to you left you a bit more on the scared side.

"And remember, Captain Levi is not to be approached for psychological evaluation under any circumstances. He is incredibly hostile and tried to kill me six times!"

Naturally, you felt more than a little apprehensive after that. However, it was your job to talk with all the soldiers in the regiment, regardless of what your predecessor told you.

Even so, you put Captain Levi last on your list.


You paused just short of knocking on the door.

Well, this was it. You had put it off for as long as possible, but now that you had talked with every other soldier in the regiment, there was no more avoiding what was sure to be an unpleasant conversation.

You stopped yourself, taking a deep breath and doing a mental reset. You shouldn't be expecting bad things before you even met the captain, regardless of what your predecessor said. And even if he was hostile, that was just proof that he had experienced things too difficult to speak of – that he needed the kind of help that it was your job to provide.

With a smile on your face, you knocked.

"Come in," a cold voice called from the other side.

You entered and shut the door behind you. "Good afternoon, Captain," you chimed. "I wanted to introduce myself. I'm –"

"I know who you are," Levi muttered, his narrowed eyes locked on you. "What I don't know is why you're here. I'm sure your predecessor told you that I don't want to talk to you people."

"Ah, well, she did," you admitted sheepishly. "But you see, I'm only here to help. We don't have to talk about anything you don't want to –"

"Get out," Levi snapped.

You took a breath, then tried again. "I understand that you're – Ah!"

You ducked just in time. Whatever Levi threw missed your head by inches. You turned around, only to see a knife embedded in the wall.

Oh my God. He really did try to kill you.

"Out!" Levi growled.

You were all too happy to oblige, fleeing the room as quickly as your legs could carry you.

You were so scared that you sprinted all the way back to your room. It was the first time in your life that you had come close to death. Even though you worked for the military, you had never done any fighting, and thus you were completely shocked when you saw the knife that had barely missed your head.

You tried to take deep, even breaths, getting your fear under control. Once you had composed yourself, you started to think about what on earth you were going to do next. Because even though Levi had tried to kill you, you refused to give up on him. You could never abandon someone who needed you, even if they didn't want you.

His superiors would probably reprimand him if you reported it, but you didn't want to do that. After all, getting someone in trouble wasn't the best way to build a trusting relationship. Besides, you weren't sure if his actions fell under the umbrella of doctor-patient confidentiality, and you thought it best to be on the safe side. Whatever you were going to do about Levi, you would have to do it alone.

You decided to hold off on the therapy for now and just let him get used to you being around. After all, a lot of people weren't comfortable spilling their lives to strangers, and you understood that.

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