Meeting His Mother (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Happy Mother's Day! This story exists because we all know one man who deserves to have his mother around, and one mother who deserved to see her son grow up.

"Are you sure my outfit looks okay?"

"Tch. Calm down, (f/n). You look fine."

"I just really want her to like me."

"Don't worry. She will."

Despite his reassurances, you were still on pins and needles. After several months of dating your fellow squad leader (who just happened to be Humanity's Strongest Soldier), it was finally time to take that monumental next step. Levi was bringing you home to meet his mother.

He had told you all about her, of course. She had worked as a prostitute in the Underground City and gotten pregnant by one of her clients. She could have ended the pregnancy, yet she chose not to, because she already loved Levi even before she met him. She cared for him as best she could, but ultimately, she made the difficult decision to send him to live with her brother, Kenny. A brothel was no place to raise a child, and she didn't want Levi to follow in her footsteps when he got older. And even though Kenny was a thug and a murderer, she knew he would keep Levi safe. He was the strongest man alive, after all.

However, he wasn't the best at parenting, so after teaching Levi how to survive, Kenny abandoned the then-teenager to fend for himself. At the very least, Kenny left him a house to live in, even though he had to live there alone. He wanted to bring Kuchel to live with him, but like most other prostitutes, she owed a debt to the brothel's owner that was too great to pay, so she wasn't allowed to leave. And of course, she wouldn't hear of her son coming to live in that horrible, filthy place with her. So Levi got to work, stealing and cheating and taking whatever violent jobs he could find, trying to earn enough to pay her debt. During that time, he visited Kuchel regularly, bringing her food and checking on her health.

Eventually, Levi joined the Scouts via a bit of underhanded trickery from Erwin. Once he had surface citizenship, he used his military salary plus his Underground savings to free Kuchel and set her up in an apartment within Wall Rose. Now, several years later, he still took care of her and visited her often.

Needless to say, she was a huge part of Levi's life, and he loved her immensely. That was why you so desperately wanted her to like you. If she didn't weren't sure what would happen.

Too soon, Levi stopped in front of her door. As he raised his hand to knock, you quickly smoothed your clothes and adjusted the flowers in your arms for the hundredth time. When you finished, you glanced up, only to find that Levi had paused with his hand in the air, and he was staring back at you while you fidgeted.

He sighed, dropped his hand, and turned to face you fully. "You have nothing to be afraid of," he murmured as he gently cupped your cheek, brushing his thumb along the bone in a tender, soothing motion. "You're incredible, (f/n). There's no way she won't like you. Okay?"

With Levi holding you like that, you couldn't help but smile. "Yeah. Okay," you replied quietly. You took a deep breath, then gave him a nod, signaling that you were ready.

Levi nodded back before pulling away from you to knock on the door. There was a moment of silence, followed by soft footsteps from inside, and then...

The door opened to reveal a beautiful woman who looked so much like Levi that their relationship was obvious. They had the same eyes, the same pale skin, and the shade of her long, black hair was perfectly identical to his. However, you did notice that she was ever-so-slightly taller than him. And Levi never smiled as easily as she did, in those rare moments when he even smiled at all.

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