The String (Levi x Reader)

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Levi stood off to the side while Commander Erwin addressed the group of cadets that had just sworn themselves to the Scout Regiment.

As usual, there weren't very many, since the Scouts' high mortality rate scared off most recruits. At least the ones that stayed looked determined enough. Levi hoped that resolve wouldn't disappear when they were faced with a titan for the first time.

Something flashed in the corner of his eye, and Levi looked down to see what it was. Then he froze, his eyes going wide.

He lifted his right hand to examine it, gaping in disbelief at what he found. But there was no mistaking that red string wrapped around his ring finger, glinting in the torchlight, connecting him to...

Unable to breathe, his eyes followed the string to the group of cadets, to a girl who stood in the front row.

She was the one.

"Hey, Levi, are you feeling okay?" Hanji muttered discreetly, trying not to distract from Erwin's speech. "You look like you're gonna be sick."

"It's her," Levi whispered, more to himself than Hanji. Actually, he had completely forgotten that Hanji was there. He had forgotten about everyone else, except that girl.

Hanji gasped, and a smile spread across her face. "Did you finally find your soulmate?" she hissed excitedly. "Shorty, that's amazing! Is she the one up front?"

Levi continued to ignore Hanji as he stared at her – the girl who was supposed to be his perfect match, the one who would love him forever. She was stunning, with silky (h/c) hair and gorgeous (e/c) eyes that were locked on the commander as she saluted, dedicating her heart to humanity.

Suddenly, Levi realized that he couldn't do this. She hadn't seen the string yet. She hadn't discovered that they were soulmates. And he had to get away before that could happen.

As discreetly as possible, he snuck out of the ceremony. He could feel Hanji's questioning gaze on him, but he didn't dare take the time to explain. He rode back to HQ as fast as his horse could carry him.


The following morning, Levi was summoned to the commander's office. He expected that Erwin would scold him for leaving the ceremony early, and he had already come up with a plausible excuse. However, Erwin wasn't upset with him at all. In fact, the commander seemed almost...happy.

Levi sat down at the desk, wondering what was going on, when Erwin stated, "I believe congratulations are in order. Hanji tells me that you found your soulmate among our new recruits."

Levi stiffened. Damn Four-eyes. She just couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"Of course, I will have to insist that she join a squad other than yours," Erwin continued. "It would create a conflict of interest if you were her superior –"

"Good. Keep her as far away from me as possible," Levi muttered. "In fact, kick her out. Send her to the Garrison or something."

Erwin blinked – the only sign of his shock. "You don't want to be close to her?"

"No." The string was only visible when soulmates were close to each other. If Levi kept his distance, she would never see it. She would never know.

"I see," Erwin mused. "Not that it's any of my business, but can I ask why? Hanji gave me the impression that you hadn't even met her yet."

"You're right," Levi growled. "It is none of your business."

The commander simply waited.

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