Familiar (Neko Levi x Witch Reader AU)

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Author's Note: It's Halloween season! Happy haunting, witches! (Also, I'm adopting a cat, so that was partially the inspiration for this story.)

"Ah, home sweet home," you sighed as you breezed through the doorway. You placed your broom in the cupboard and hung your cloak on its hook before making your way into the kitchen.

"Did you really have to hex that kid?" Levi grumbled as he padded along behind you. "I mean, how old was he? Nine?"

You giggled, looking down at him over your shoulder. "Don't tell me you've suddenly decided that you care about humans."

"Tch. Of course I haven't," he muttered. "But I would rather not get chased out of town again. And I really don't want a repeat of that time when I had to save you from being burned at the stake."

You giggled again. "You're never going to let that go, are you?" you asked, smiling at him fondly.

You had found Levi a little late in life – or rather, he had found you. You had felt sad when you were the only witch to come of age at thirteen without a familiar, but Levi was definitely worth the wait. You loved his snarky attitude, and the two of you just...clicked. Not to mention, he was the cutest little black cat.

"Besides," you continued, resuming your walk to the kitchen, "that twerp killed his neighbor's kittens. I couldn't just let that go."

Levi stiffened. "In that case, you should have given him the plague."

You scoffed. "Now that really would have gotten us chased out of town."

You stood in front of the stove and started throwing ingredients into a pot. Meanwhile, Levi curled his tail around your legs, rubbing up against you affectionately. Every now and then, you reached down to scratch underneath his chin. Even though he tried to feign indifference, you knew how much he loved it.

Abruptly, he shifted into his human form, leaning his chin on your shoulder as he peered curiously into the pot. His hands came to rest on your arms. "Why do your potions always smell so good?" he muttered.

"This isn't a potion," you chuckled. "It's dinner."


You smiled, reaching up to scratch behind his furry ears, which still remained even though he was in human form. His canines and tail remained too, but other than that, he possessed a perfectly sculpted male body. Thankfully, his transformations magically came with a set of all-black clothes. It would have been a pain to carry some around everywhere you went.

Levi's eyelids fluttered closed, your touch bringing him to a contented state. You could hear him purring next to your ear, and it warmed your heart to know that he was happy.

Instinctively, he started nuzzling into your cheek, forgetting that he was in human form.

"L-Levi," you giggled. Goddess, he was adorable.

When you spoke, Levi suddenly realized what he was doing. He jumped back about five feet, his eyes going wide. "I-I'm s-sorry...I..." he stuttered, averting his gaze. His ears turned sideways, which told you that he was nervous.

"It's okay," you murmured reassuringly, feeling slightly confused. "You're a cat. It's normal."

Levi had been acting strange for a few weeks now. One minute, he would be more affectionate with you than usual, but immediately afterward, he would run off and hide. You had chalked it up to the bipolar personality of cats, but it was honestly starting to worry you a little.

Your brow furrowed as you took in the redness that spread across his pale cheeks. "Hey, are you alright?" you asked worriedly.

"I-I'm not feeling well," he mumbled before shifting into cat form and running off.

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