Notes of a Melody (Levi x Pianist Reader)

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By the time you regained consciousness, it was all over. You, Eren, and Captain Levi were the only survivors in your squad. The rest had been brutally murdered by the Female Titan.

You would've been dead, too, except you got lucky. The blow to your head was only bad enough to knock you out. You awoke to your captain's hands on your face, surrounded by your comrades' bloody corpses.

As if throwing their bodies off the wagon wasn't enough, you then had to return to that too-empty castle, feeling your friends' absence like a knife in your heart. Once you showered and put your gear away, you found yourself standing absolutely still. You had no idea what you were supposed to do next. There was nothing more to do. Yet, you needed to do something, anything. So you went to the west tower, to the little room where you had found a piano on your first day here.

Back then, you had been delighted to have a space where you could practice without fear of being embarrassed. The castle was big enough that your six squadmates were unlikely to overhear you, unless they purposefully came to that empty tower for some reason. Thus, you visited the room often, playing to your heart's content.

Now, guilt over your comrades' deaths weighed heavily on your shoulders. If you stopped moving, even for a moment, you would shatter completely. So you went to that isolated room in the west tower, and you played, and played, and played.

Several minutes after you began, you heard the soft click of the door opening. Your fingers froze as you whirled around to see Captain Levi shutting the door behind him. His movements were lifeless, his head bowed.

"Captain," you whispered in surprise. "Um, do you need something?"

Levi took a few steps over to the couch and sank down into it, putting his face in his hands. "Just play, (f/n)," he murmured.

Normally, you would have been nervous, but you were too exhausted to care. The only thing you felt was a slight curiosity as you wondered why Levi would want to listen to you now. But it was better not to ask.

You returned your attention to the keys and played.

After a moment, you heard muffled sounds behind you, and you realized that Levi was crying. However, you didn't acknowledge it. You didn't stop playing. You figured that Levi wanted to grieve on his own.

You tried to focus on the notes so that you didn't have to think about the friends you had lost. However, that was getting harder and harder, especially as your fingers became too tired to move like you wanted them to. Tears slid down your cheeks, falling onto the black and white keys. But you kept playing. You sniffed, and a soundless cry broke from your throat. But you kept playing.

Then you heard another one of Levi's soft sobs behind you, and you couldn't take it anymore. Your fingers slipped on the damp ivory. A harsh dissonance echoed through the room, and at last, you gave up.

"I'm sorry, Captain," you rasped, your throat tight. "It's my fault. If I had been stronger –"

"Stop it!" Levi growled hoarsely.

Then you felt a pair of powerful arms wrapping around your waist. You froze, shocked, as Levi pressed his face into your hair.

"Don't you dare think that, not for a second," he murmured into your (h/c) locks. "You fought bravely, (f/n). None of this is your fault. I..." He swallowed. "I'm just glad I didn't lose you, too."

You took a moment to let his words sink in. Then you placed your arms on top of his, sighing quietly as you leaned back into his embrace. Somehow, your raven-haired captain always managed to put you at ease. However, this time was different. Levi had never been so...soft, before, and he had certainly never hugged you. Yet, you decided not to question it. You simply took comfort from his closeness.

Then you felt the gentle press of his lips to your head.

Your breath caught. "Captain..."

"Call me 'Levi'," he instructed.

Almost on instinct, your body relaxed at the soothing sound of his voice. "Levi," you corrected softly. And you realized that was all you wanted to say – all you needed to say. Right now, you didn't need to ask why he had kissed you. You didn't need to ask if he returned the feelings you had been harboring since you joined his squad. All you needed was to sit here, silently, in his arms.

Levi hissed, and then you could feel the dampness of his tears in your hair. You didn't mind, though. Your own tears were still streaming down your face, landing atop both his arms and yours. You lightly stroked your thumb across his hand, wanting to comfort him as he had comforted you.

You held each other for a long time. Long enough for your tears to run out, though your grief never would.

Keeping his arms around you, Levi pulled back just a little – just enough for you to turn around and face him. So you did.

You had known that he was exhausted when he entered the room, but now, it was clearly written on his face, along with his sorrow. His eyes were red and distant. Tear stains still covered his cheeks.

On instinct, you gently wiped them away with your thumbs. Then you reached up to stroke the bags under his grey-blue orbs. His eyes fluttered closed at your touch, accepting it.

"You should get some sleep," you whispered, your throat still tight.

Levi shook his head, opening his eyes to look at you. "I can't. Not now."

Your expression softened in understanding. After all, you felt the same way. However, Levi couldn't go on like this. You couldn't let him go on like this.

You held his gaze as you offered quietly, "I could stay with you."

He sighed. "(F/n)..."

"You have to sleep somehow, Levi," you insisted gently.

Levi's gaze fell to the ground. You could see the internal dilemma behind his grey-blue orbs, but it didn't last long. With his exhaustion winning out, he nodded.

You stood, taking Levi's hand as he led you to his bedroom. After kicking off your shoes, you crawled under the covers next to him. As if on instinct, Levi immediately wrapped an arm around your waist and placed his free hand in your hair. You rested your head against his chest, listening to his heart.

Just as you were sinking into his embrace, the responsible part of your brain made an appearance. "Levi," you began weakly, "where is Eren?"

"He's fine," Levi replied, absently brushing his fingers through your hair. "He's with his friends. After what happened today, I don't think anyone cares if we leave them alone for a while."

You nodded. The odds of Eren transforming and eating you all did seem low. And after losing so many comrades, everyone had other things to worry about at the moment.

You were starting to feel relaxed in Levi's arms, but before you fell asleep, there was one more thing you wanted to ask. " did you know where I was?"

He was silent for a moment, though his fingers still stroked your hair. "I've gone up there a few times before," he admitted. "Your music is...soothing. But I didn't want to make you nervous, so I stood in the hall."

You nodded again, too tired to be embarrassed.

And even though you didn't need to ask about his feelings, you still wanted to voice your own. "I love you, Levi," you mumbled into his shirt.

You felt him tense slightly in surprise, then relax again. A few seconds later, he pressed another tender kiss to your head.

You forced yourself to stay awake until his breathing deepened and steadied, until you felt his powerful body go limp next to yours. His fingers still rested in your hair.

Content that he was finally asleep, you let yourself go, taking comfort from the gentle sound of his heart beating beneath his chest. Your friends may have been gone, but Levi was still here. Somehow, the two of you would get through this, together.

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