A Love Beyond Words (Levi x Tortured Reader)

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Author's Note: This is somewhat of an alternate version of "Her Voice". I hope you like it!

Levi insisted on going himself. He felt it was the least he could do, to be the one who took her away from that hell. After all, it was his fault she was there in the first place.

He couldn't believe his eyes when he found her, unconscious and almost unrecognizable. Her beautiful skin was now mutilated and deathly pale. Her once-(h/c) hair had turned stark white – probably from extreme stress during the indescribable pain she had suffered. And seeing her like that...it broke his heart.

As carefully as he could, he lifted her in his arms and carried her home.


She was asleep for days. It wasn't surprising, considering the trauma she had endured. Levi never left her side once, anxiously waiting for her to wake up. However, at the same time, he dreaded having to face her after what he had done.

It was his orders that had led to her torture. His orders that got her captured. His orders that made sure she wasn't rescued, that placed Eren and Historia's recovery over her own. Even though he had done what was objectively best for humanity, Levi couldn't help being consumed by guilt.

He had failed her, when she was his to protect. His subordinate. His...

He couldn't allow himself to think it. Not now. On top of the fact that such emotions were forbidden in this life-or-death game, he had no right to feel the way he did – not anymore. How could he dare say that he loved her, when he had allowed her to be hurt like this?

But as he looked at her now, he couldn't help but feel love, along with his guilt. She was so brave, and strong, and loyal. He had known, even before this, that she would have died rather than betray her friends. Even when she was suffering a fate worse than death, she still hadn't given them up.

Levi knew that he could never repay her for what she had done. He could also never make it up to her after abandoning her like he did. But he was going to try anyway.

When she finally regained consciousness, Levi was nearly petrified with relief. He rushed to help her as she attempted to sit up, adjusting her pillow and supporting her back. Once he was done, he had to force himself to pull away, even though his instincts told him to leave his hand where it was, to hold her close and protect her from the world.

Then the initial shock wore off, and guilt filled his chest all over again. "I'm sorry," he muttered, thinking that she must hate him, that she had every right to. "This is all my fault. If you want someone else –"

He was cut off when (f/n) vehemently shook her head. Her bandaged hand shot out to grab his, not allowing him to move away. As she gazed at him earnestly, Levi realized what she was trying to convey.

I don't blame you.

I don't want anyone else.

Don't go.

It took everything Levi had to keep his emotions off of his face. He couldn't tell which was stronger – his gratitude, or his sorrow. He really didn't deserve her.

After a moment, he managed to get ahold of himself. "Can you tell me what hurts?" he whispered tightly. He knew that it was a stupid question, that she probably hurt all over. But he had to start somewhere.

Her expression softened, almost as if she were...consoling him? Levi didn't understand it. However, the answer came a second later, when she pointed to her throat and shook her head.

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