Attack on...Omegaverse? (Omega Levi x Alpha Reader)

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Author's Note: About half of you were creeped out by the first omegaverse story, and the other half asked for more. My apologies to the former, but I had an alternative idea, so you're getting another one. However, there is no pregnancy of any sort in this story, so at least you won't have to deal with that weirdness. ;) Also, FYI that there is brief, non-consensual touching, in case that triggers things for you.


Naturally, you were shocked when one minute, you were strolling down the street like any other day, and the next, you were walking into the world of Attack on Titan. You couldn't believe your eyes. Everything was the same – the Walls, the titans, the Scouts. Everything...except for one jarring difference.

You didn't notice it right away. You went about the normal confusion surrounding a sudden appearance in another universe, the trademark hostile encounter where you desperately tried to convince the Scouts that you weren't lying and to please, please not slice your head off. You had finally gotten to the point where you could calmly discuss things with Commander Erwin, when Levi entered the scene.

At first, he appeared as the cold, intimidating captain – the persona he wore around all but his most trusted friends. And...God, he was just as beautiful as he had been on your TV. You worked hard to keep your heart rate under control, not wanting to embarrass yourself in front of your fictional love – who was, apparently, as real as you were.

You expected that he would treat you with indifference, or maybe hostility. However, as soon as he saw you, he froze, and his eyes widened in pure shock. For a long moment, he just stared at you, his body still as a statue.

You noticed then that a pleasant aroma had entered the space around the same time he did. It the best way. Better than candy stores or your favorite dessert. Yet, even though you were certain you had never come across this particular scent before, it felt familiar to you. Comfortable. Like home. And at the same time, you were enchanted, wanting to bask in it forever.

However, those thoughts took a backseat when you realized that Levi was still staring at you. You shifted on your feet uncomfortably before muttering an awkward, "Uh...hello."

The sound of your voice seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in. He moved – so fast that you could hardly track him. For a split second, you wondered if he was trying to kill you, if he saw you as a threat to his comrades.

But then his arms were around your waist, his face buried in your shirt. Your eyes widened as you stared down at him, your lips parting in a silent gasp. What...?

"I can't believe it's you," he whispered, his reverent voice muffled by the fabric.

"M-me?" you questioned breathlessly, feeling extremely confused. What had you done to merit such an enthusiastic greeting from Humanity's Strongest Soldier? Not that you were complaining.

"Awwwwwww, is this what I think it is?!" Hanji exclaimed, bouncing on her toes gleefully. "Hey, everyone, it's finally happening! Shorty found his mate!"

"Mate?" you repeated, somehow feeling more confused than you had a moment ago. "I don't understand."

"You and Levi are going to make babies!" the brunette screamed, and your heart stopped.

"Hanji, please," Erwin murmured before turning to you. "Mates are fated partners – an alpha and omega pair. It seems that Levi has recognized you as his alpha," the commander explained, his brow furrowing. "Do they not have this concept where you're from?"

You shook your head.

"Ah," Erwin muttered sympathetically. "Well, in that case, I think we'd better talk in my office. Hanji, you come too."

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