Reverse Harem (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Happy 100th chapter! I never imagined I would write this much, but here we are. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

By the time you finally finished training, the moon had already risen. After taking a relaxing shower, you decided to curl up with a book and the cookies that your best friend had bought for you. However, you needed some milk to go with them.

You made your way down to the kitchen, trying not to draw attention to yourself, since you had already changed into pajamas. You passed a group of male soldiers that was gathered in the mess hall, but thankfully, they didn't seem to notice you.

After pouring yourself a glass of milk, you shuffled out of the kitchen and back through the mess hall. Just as you reached the doorway, a voice rose above the group's muffled conversation.

"Can we just agree that we all have a crush on (f/n) (l/n)?"

You froze, slowly turning to look at them. At first, you thought that it must be a joke, but the group clearly hadn't noticed you. You took in each of their faces as they nodded and muttered their agreement.

Gelgar – who had asked the question. Moblit. Gunther. On and on and on. Basically every guy who wasn't already taken or obviously in love with another girl sat there, admitting their feelings for you.

Even Levi.

You could do nothing but stare in shock.

A moment later, Moblit noticed your presence. He stiffened as his eyes went wide. Then he elbowed Gelgar in the ribs.

"Hey, what –" Gelgar began. But his annoyance was replaced with surprise when he saw you.

You watched as the rest of the men realized you had overheard. Clearly, they were all mortified, but they didn't know what to say. Neither did you, as a matter of fact.

Still in shock, you slowly turned and walked out.


The next day say the least. Training, paperwork, and even cleaning were all made nearly impossible by the fact that you were too embarrassed to talk to most of the male soldiers.

The majority of them were also too embarrassed to talk to you. However, a select few had the audacity to be upfront about their feelings.

It started just after breakfast, when Gelgar presented you with a bottle of wine.

"A fine lady deserves a fine vintage," he said with a grin. However, there was hopefulness behind his confident façade.

You felt horrible about turning him down, but it had to be done. "I'm sorry, Gelgar," you murmured, politely refusing the gift. "That's really kind of you, but could we please just stay friends?"

To his credit, Gelgar accepted your rejection gracefully. "Ah, don't worry about it," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. You could tell that at least some part of him had expected this. "Of course, we'll always be pals."

You smiled. "Thank you."

You were approached by a handful of other guys throughout the day, forcing you to politely but firmly turn them all down. Even though it had to be done, your chest tightened every time. The most difficult one for you was Armin.

"Th-these are for you," he said quietly, averting his eyes as he handed you a full bouquet of lilies. An adorable blush filled his cheeks.

Your expression softened, but you didn't take the flowers. "Armin," you murmured, "you're very sweet, but I'm quite a few years older than you –"

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