Don't Let the Nightmares Come (Exhausted Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: This book has reached 1K likes! I am floored. Thank you all so much for reading!

You were sitting on the couch in Levi's office, reading your favorite book. Levi was currently showering after a long training session, but you had made a habit out of occupying his office, even when he wasn't there. It was quiet enough that you could focus on reading, and being in his space made you feel comfortable – almost as if Levi was actually with you. Levi didn't seem to mind that you did it. In fact, there had been times when he looked somewhat happy to enter his office and find you waiting for him.

Soon enough, you heard the water shut off. Levi tended to be rather militaristic about showering, and he usually never took more than five minutes. It wasn't long before he emerged from his bedroom, fully dressed, with his hair dry.

He had been working even harder than usual lately. Although Levi was good at hiding it, you could tell he was exhausted. You were hoping he would take a break and relax after his shower, but instead, he slowly trudged toward his desk.

"You look tired, love," you murmured. "Why don't you take a nap? The paperwork can wait."

Levi stopped in the middle of the room, his back to you. Yet, you could still see his shoulders slump almost imperceptibly as he sighed. "I can't sleep, (f/n)," he replied, his voice barely audible. "The nightmares have been getting worse, lately."

His words caused a knot to form in your chest. You knew that Levi was haunted by the deaths of his former comrades, as well as the fear that his current comrades would soon follow suit. He hadn't been able to sleep properly for years. Usually, he managed about two or three hours per day, but now he probably wasn't even getting that much.

You also appreciated how much Levi was trusting you with this. It was difficult for him to show weakness, to let others bear his burdens. You guessed you were the only person he told about his nightmares, and even then, it had taken him years to open up to you. Still, you were glad he was no longer facing it alone.

You set your book aside as you rose from the couch. Gently, you laced your fingers through his. You then hugged him from behind, guiding his hands along with yours, curling around him in an embrace that spoke of safety and calm.

"Okay," you whispered into his ear, letting him decide what he could handle. "You don't have to sleep. Just close your eyes for a bit. You've been working so hard. Let your body rest."

Levi didn't respond, and you held him for a few moments more.

You slowly unlatched yourself, stepping back toward the couch. You kept your hold on one of his hands, pulling it along until he turned to look at you.

"Come here," you murmured as you sat on the couch. Your eyes never left his.

Levi didn't resist, and you guided him so that he was lying with his head in your lap. You brushed your fingers through his silky hair, soothing him.

"Close your eyes," you whispered.

Levi obeyed, and you continued your calming strokes through his hair. Occasionally, you would switch to lightly running your fingers along the sides of his face, helping him relax further.

He wasn't asleep, but his breathing started to come a little easier. You felt some of the stiffness seep from his body.

You would have been content to sit there forever, memorizing his features, admiring his beauty. However, about ten minutes after you convinced Levi to rest, a knock sounded on the door.

Levi tensed. His eyes flew open, but you immediately placed a finger over his lips.

"Ignore it," you mouthed, so that whoever was beyond the door didn't hear.

A minute later, you heard footsteps softly walking away. Levi closed his eyes, and you continued to soothe him. You basically had to start over, thanks to whomever was at the door, but soon, Levi had relaxed again.

After a while, Levi breathed, "(F/n)?" His eyes remained closed as he spoke.


He took a moment to respond. Then, "Don't let me fall asleep."

The knot returned to your chest, and your brow furrowed with a mix of concern and sadness. "Okay," you whispered. "I'll look after you. You don't have to worry."

Levi sighed softly in relief.

You stayed like that for hours. You missed dinner, and soon, the sky darkened and was filled with stars. Still, you kept comforting Levi. You wanted him to rest. He needed it.

He did fall asleep. You could tell by the way his powerful body went limp next to yours. You debated just letting him sleep, since he truly did need it. However, Levi was trusting you. You knew how difficult that was for him, and you couldn't bear to hurt him by betraying that trust.

You leaned down and kissed him, softly, tenderly. Although his eyelids remained closed, after a moment, you felt his lips moving groggily with yours. You gently pulled away, wanting him to stay in a relaxed state.

"Thank you," he whispered.

You lightly brushed your fingers across his cheek in response.

Levi fell asleep again and again, but each time, you kissed him awake. You kept your promise. You didn't let the nightmares come.

After a few more hours, you yourself were starting to feel rather tired. However, you forced yourself to stay alert so that you could look after Levi. He needed the rest more than you did.

"You should go to sleep," he murmured.

You shook your head, though he couldn't see. "I'm not tired."

Levi's eyelids fluttered open, and he gazed up at you. Although simply lying on the couch wasn't a substitute for actual sleep, he at least looked a little better.

"I'm alright now, brat," he grumbled as he sat up. He lifted a hand to your cheek, conveying his gratitude in the way he caressed your skin.

"Are you sure?" you asked, fighting against the yawn in your throat. It didn't matter to you if you were tired. Your only concern was for him.

And it seemed Levi's only concern was for you. "Tch. I'm sure. Now come on." He guided you so that you were lying on the couch with your head on the pillow. His fingers found your hair, petting it softly as he murmured, "Go to sleep."

You took one last look at Levi, making sure he would truly be alright for the time being. Then you did as he asked, letting your eyelids flutter closed. Levi continued to stroke your hair, soothing you as you had soothed him, until you were fast asleep.

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