Bedhead (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: All of us manga readers need a pick-me-up, so here's a fun one for you. Also, thanks for 10K likes!

You awoke to muscled arms wrapped around your waist and the soft sound of breath. You felt the rise and fall of Levi's chest, and you heard the beating of his heart beneath your ear, its rhythm matching your own. His skin warmed yours, leaving you so comfortable that you didn't care to open your eyes.

Instead, you lay there quietly, enjoying the perfection of the moment. All the terrors of your life as a soldier seemed so far away. There was only safety and love as you relaxed next to your husband. And you almost couldn't believe how lucky you were.

After a century of fighting, the titans were finally defeated. Levi had proposed to you immediately afterwards, and a day later, you were married – not wanting to waste a single moment of your newly won freedom. After all, the two of you had been romantically involved for years, and now that you could actually promise a future, you were all too eager to do so.

It had been a week since then, and you and Levi were thoroughly enjoying your honeymoon. You had rented a small cottage on the coast, which had a breathtaking view of the ocean. It was nothing fancy, given that soldiers didn't make a lot of money. However, you didn't mind. It was a place where the two of you could have the privacy to bond, and that was enough.

Now, especially, it was enough to simply lie in Levi's arms.

Several minutes later, Levi stirred. You thought he was waking up, so you opened your eyes to look at him. However, he was only adjusting his position. His eyelids remained closed, his breathing steady. He was still fast asleep.

You smiled to yourself. Levi rarely slept in – actually, he rarely slept at all – so you were pleased to see him getting the rest he both needed and deserved.

Careful not to disturb him, you slipped out of the warm bed and into a robe. You bent down to softly peck his forehead before quietly making your way into the kitchen, thinking that you could surprise him by cooking breakfast. You went all-out with his favorite foods, hoping that he would enjoy it.

Almost half an hour had passed by the time you set two plates of food on the table. However, you still hadn't heard Levi get up. Thus, you covered the plates to keep them warm before returning to the bedroom.

Your heart melted when you found Levi still sound asleep. It made you happy to see him like this – relieved of his burdens and resting peacefully. You couldn't bring yourself to wake him, so instead, you delicately sat next to him on the bed, cherishing the scene before you.

As if he sensed you watching, Levi stirred. His face scrunched up, and he groaned quietly before his eyelids fluttered open. His gaze drifted over to you, and his expression softened when his eyes found yours.

"Good morning, love," you murmured as you leaned down to kiss his cheek.

"Morning," Levi grumbled drowsily, his lips curling upward in the smallest smile.

You loved how adorable he acted when he was sleepy. A smile touched your own lips as you whispered, "Breakfast is ready."

"Mmm. Okay," Levi grunted. He sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes...and that's when you saw it.

You couldn't help yourself. It was just too much. So you quickly pressed a hand to your mouth, trying to conceal your giggles. Unfortunately, you didn't do a very good job.

Levi's eyes narrowed. "Oi, what are you laughing at?" he grumbled.

You took a breath, getting yourself under control. You removed your hand from your face, revealing a broad grin. "It's just...your hair is so cute," you chuckled.

Levi blushed indignantly at being called the c word. "What about it?" he muttered, bringing a hand to his head.

You hastily grabbed his wrist, stopping him. "No, no, wait! I want to enjoy this!"

Levi growled in annoyance. "Enjoy what, brat?"

"Your bedhead!" you informed him happily.

Indeed, Levi's onyx undercut was sticking up in several places. The tiny tufts diverged in random directions, seeming to defy gravity with their positioning. This was your first time seeing him with anything other than smooth, sleek hair, and you thought it was the perfect finishing touch to his sleepy appearance. Levi really was adorable when he wasn't so rigid, and you were glad to be the only person who got to see him like this.

Levi rolled his eyes as he lazily pulled his arm from your grip, running his fingers through his hair in an attempt to fix it. "Is it better now?" he asked.

You chuckled. "You've still got something," you murmured, brushing it out yourself.

But even when you were done, your fingers stayed where they were. His hair felt so smooth and soft on your skin – like silk – and you didn't want to stop just yet. Entranced, your strokes slowed down considerably so that you could savor the sensation.

Your eyes drifted to find Levi's, only to discover that he was already looking at you. Without you even realizing it, the atmosphere between you two had changed. Your lighthearted mood had dissipated, replaced with a sense of longing that was mirrored in Levi's gaze.

Without a word, your lips met – morning breath forgotten as you gave in to the call of desire. Your fingers continued to move on their own through his hair, unknowingly messing up what they had just fixed. Levi didn't mind at all, and his strong arms slid around you, pulling you flush against him.

Levi kissed you slowly, thoroughly, as if he had all the time in the world. And you would have wanted him to take his time, if it weren't for one thing...

"Levi," you panted as you broke apart for air. "Breakfast."

"Tch. Can't it wait?" he hissed, already leaning in to continue the kiss.

You pulled back and pouted. "But it will get cold. And I worked really hard on it."

Levi rolled his eyes. "Fine," he grumbled, irritated at having to wait, but also not wanting to disappoint you when you had put so much effort into cooking for him. "We'll eat breakfast. But afterwards, I want you back in this bed. Got it?"

You giggled, all too happy to oblige. "Yes, sir."

Levi dressed and joined you out in the kitchen. You uncovered your plates, revealing heaps of food that were starkly different from the bland breakfasts in the Scouts' mess hall. You were relieved to find that everything was still warm.

When Levi saw what you had made, he slipped an arm around your waist and pressed a kiss to your cheek. "It looks incredible, (f/n). Thank you," he murmured.

You blushed at the show of appreciation. Levi didn't often give out compliments, but when he did, you knew he meant them. It made you feel special. "It was nothing," you said sheepishly. "Come on, let's eat."

You and Levi sat down together, and you eagerly stabbed your fork into a sausage. Now that you had calmed down from the romantic scene in your bedroom, you realized that you were quite hungry. You brought the sausage to your lips, mouth opening to take a bite...and that's when you saw it.

You set your fork down with a giggle. "Looks like we missed a spot," you informed Levi, who was staring at you inquisitively as he chewed his food. You reached up and gently brushed your fingers down the back of his head, where a stubborn piece of hair was still sticking out.

"Got it!" you chimed.

Levi simply rolled his eyes, grumbling something about brats and bedheads, before returning his attention to the plate in front of him. To your delight, he thoroughly enjoyed the delicious breakfast. And afterwards, you both had some rather lovely dessert. 

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