Family Game Night (Levi x Reader)

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Around the same time that Levi joined the Scouts, a fresh batch of recruits arrived from the Trainee Corps. Thankfully, because of his skill, Levi wasn't lumped in with them for introductory training exercises. However, some things about the dynamic still felt strange to him. These cadets were so much younger, and yet, they knew far more about the military and titan theory than he did.

Erwin tried to fill Levi in on things whenever he had the time – as he should, since he was the one who had dragged Levi here in the first place – but the charismatic section commander was often too busy to explain everything that Levi needed to know. So, Levi had to look elsewhere for clarification.

He couldn't ask Hanji, because once asked, she would never shut up. The other officers also couldn't be counted upon, since they would likely just take the opportunity to spout off about how he was ignorant Underground trash without even answering his question. Thus, he swallowed his pride and turned to the only source he had left: the cadets.

Most of them were too intimidated to stammer out a reply, but Levi did find one cadet that was pretty easy to talk to. Her name was (f/n), and even though she had graduated top of her class, she had declined a position with the MP's and joined the Scouts instead – which, Levi had learned, was incredibly uncommon.

But more importantly, she didn't gawk at him or scoff at his origins behind his back – which seemed to be the two camps that most of the soldiers self-sorted into. Rather, she treated him like any other person, and she didn't try to make him feel stupid for asking questions about surface life or the military. In fact, as time went on, she started treating Levi almost like a friend.

At first, Levi balked at the idea of having a friend, after what had happened to Farlan and Isabel – especially a friend who would be facing the same monsters that took their lives. The wound from their deaths was still so raw, and it ran so deep that Levi wondered if he would ever be able to open himself up again. Besides, a part of him wondered if making a new friend would mean that he was moving on from Farlan and Isabel, which in turn felt like a betrayal.

Still, he couldn't help but be drawn to (f/n). She was interesting, and funny, and tough, and her personality was a perfect complement for his own. She respected his need for space, listened on the rare occasion that he wanted to talk. And even though her status as a recent graduate indicated that she must have been younger than him, she acted mature beyond her years.

"(F/n)..." he asked her one day, "how old are you?"

Her gaze flicked to him. "That's a terribly rude thing to ask a woman, you know," she quipped, though he could tell she wasn't really angry. With a flip of her hair, she answered, "I'm nineteen."

Damn. Almost ten years younger than him. " would've joined the Trainee Corps when you were...what?"


"Isn't that kind of young to be joining the military?" he muttered. Of course, he had been trained to fight practically from the moment he was able to hold a knife in his hand, but he knew that his upbringing was rather abnormal – especially by surface standards. He just didn't know what the normal was.

(F/n) shrugged. "Not really. Actually, I heard a rumor that they're thinking about lowering the minimum age for enlistment. I don't know if they'll do it, though."

Levi hummed pensively. He wouldn't put it past those pigs in the interior to send children out to die for them, but all the same, the idea of kids facing the monsters that even adults feared...

"How old are you?" she asked, interrupting his thoughts.

"Twenty-eight," he muttered, half-expecting her to balk at their age difference.

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