The Darkness that Soothes (Stressed Levi x Reader)

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"They've had quite the day," Commander Erwin mused from where he leaned against the wall next to you. You both were waiting on the main floor of the castle while Levi's squad secured Eren in the dungeon for the night.

When you didn't respond, Erwin continued in a more pointed tone, "Even Levi seems stressed."

You gave a non-committal "hmm" in reply. Of course, you had noticed, watching Levi from a distance while he and Hanji sorted out the mess resulting from Eren's unexpected transformation – for a spoon, of all things. However, you knew Levi would prefer if you didn't discuss it. He hid the strain well, but since you and the commander had known Levi for so long, you were able to pick up on the slight variations in his demeanor. You were, doubtless, the only ones that did – especially since everyone else was still trying to process their own reactions to the incident.

It was the latest in a long list of complications stretching back to before Eren's trial, and the work just kept piling up. You had seen the stress building for weeks now, but of course, Levi would never admit to it. He would also never take a break – not even a moment to rest. Though you wondered if this might be the straw that broke the camel's back.

"I have a few questions for him that can't wait until morning. But afterwards..." Erwin trailed off, before continuing in a softer tone, "...could you...see if you can help him relax?"

Your eyes flicked to the commander. Not an order – a request, one made out of genuine concern for his friend. And you were the one person on Earth who might actually succeed in the endeavor.

Your eyes returned to the wall in front of you. "You know you don't have to ask, right? I was going to do it anyway."

Erwin opened his mouth to reply, but stopped when you heard footsteps ascending the stairs. They were talking quietly with one another as they reached the main floor, but stopped short when they noticed who was waiting for them. As one, they saluted.

"Commander Erwin, Section Commander (l/n)," Eld began with an inquisitive look, "what brings you here so late?"

"Do you really have to ask?" you replied flatly.

"At ease, everyone," Erwin swept in, allowing Levi's squad to drop their arms to their sides. "I have questions for Captain Levi and Section Commander Hanji regarding today's incident."

"They should be up soon," Gunther informed the commander. "Hanji was still gushing over Eren when we left."

As if on cue, you heard two pairs of footsteps echoing off the walls. Hanji's animated voice was growing louder with each passing second.

"Levi, Hanji," Erwin said, catching their attention as soon as they reached the main floor, "I need the details from today. Do you have a few minutes?" Even though it was phrased politely, everyone knew this wasn't a request.

"Yes, of course," Hanji replied. She and Erwin immediately set off down the hall. Levi's weary gaze found yours for just a moment before he followed after them.

The rest of the squad dispersed, chatting as they meandered toward their rooms.

"Eld?" you called.

He turned to you, and you waited until his comrades were out of earshot before stating, "Commander Erwin has an assignment for Levi tomorrow morning. You can handle things until he gets back, can't you?"

"Uh...yeah. Of course," Eld replied hesitantly. You could tell that he wanted to ask what was going on, but he didn't, probably thinking that the "assignment" was classified.

"Good." Without another word, you headed straight for Levi's bedroom.


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