Nightmare (Scared Levi x Reader)

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You were pulled from sleep by the feeling of your partner tossing and turning in the sheets next to you. Even though you had awoken to a similar situation several times before, concern still bloomed beneath your groggy state. You sat up, then leaned over to check on him while blinking the bleariness from your eyes. "Levi?"

In the darkness, you could just barely make out the tear stains on his cheeks. His eyebrows were drawn tightly together as he tried to shake off the terrible vision that plagued him. A soft whimper escaped his throat, and your heart broke. You placed your hands on his shoulders and pressed on them gently. "Levi!" you whispered, not wanting to startle him with sudden movements or loud noises.

Levi jolted as his eyes flew wide open. His breathing was quick, shallow. He looked so scared, and confused – like he didn't know where he was.

"Shh," you cooed. "It's okay. You were having a nightmare." You gently wiped the tears from his face, then brushed your fingers through his hair. "We're home. We're safe. It's okay."

Some of the confusion faded from his eyes at your words. "(F/n)?" he croaked, his voice hoarse and quavering.

"That's right," you assured him. "I'm here. I'm with you."

Trembling, he sat up. "I..." But the rest of the words wouldn't come. He was still too shaken from his nightmare.

You carefully folded him in your arms, laying his head on your chest. "Shh, I've got you."

"I-I'm s-sorry..." he managed to stammer into your shirt.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. It's okay. You're okay." You resumed stroking his head in an attempt to soothe him. "You hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that."

Levi nodded, and the two of you lapsed into silence. His breathing was the only sound that resonated within your shared bedroom, but it gradually slowed, deepened. You grabbed the sheets, wrapping them around you both to give him more warmth as he fought to stop shaking. Eventually, that eased as well.

You pressed a gentle kiss to the top of his head. "Do you want to talk about it?"


It was a nightmare. The stench of death filled the air, filled his lungs. Everywhere he looked, the ground was littered with blood and half-eaten bodies. Levi could only watch as his close friends and comrades were devoured, one by one. He wanted to help them, but his legs wouldn't move.


He knew that voice, that scream. With dread in his chest, he turned around. The woman he loved was reaching for him while struggling hopelessly in a titan's grasp. As if in slow motion, the monster lifted her closer and closer to the death waiting in its jaws.

They were supposed to be married the day after they got back from the expedition. (F/n) had picked out the most beautiful white dress. It was bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding, but (f/n) had been so excited that she'd wanted to show him anyway. He had sat on her bed, laughing as she twirled enthusiastically before him. She was happy. She was perfect.

(F/n) didn't know it yet, but he had used all of his savings to buy a house for them. It was nothing fancy, just a little cottage outside of town, but he thought (f/n) would like it. He hoped she would. More than anything, he wanted her to be happy – as happy as she had made him. He wanted to spend the rest of his life showing (f/n) how much he loved her.

Levi tried to run to her, tried to use his gear, but it was useless. He stood frozen as the beast lifted (f/n) to its mouth. Just before those deadly teeth closed around her, (f/n) met his eyes and mouthed, "I love you". Then she was gone.


"I lost you," Levi whispered. "We were happy. We were...we were supposed to be married. But we went on an expedition, and...I couldn't save you." Ashamed, he hid his face in your shirt.

"Oh, Levi," you breathed, pulling back and cupping his face in your hands. "Hey, it's okay. It was just a dream. We both made it back from that expedition, remember?" You lightly kissed his forehead, his cheek, anywhere you could. "We were married, and all our friends were there, and you looked so handsome," you murmured in between kisses. "And then you took me to this cute little cottage and told me it was our house. I felt like I was living in a fairytale." You smiled, remembering how surprised and happy you had been.

"Yeah, I remember. You practically jumped on me when you found out. Almost knocked me over." The corner of his mouth turned up ever so slightly. It was a tentative smile, still unsettled and weary from his nightmare, but it was there.

He loosed a breath, and you felt some of the tension leave his body with it. Then he brought his forehead to rest against yours. You wrapped your arms around him, rubbing small, soothing circles into his back. The two of you sat silently together as Levi took comfort from the memory, and from your loving embrace.

Then he sighed. "Thank you, (f/n). I'm sorry I woke you up again."

"It's alright," you said softly. "You never have to feel sorry for this, Levi. I'm here for you, just like you're always here for me." You pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too, brat," he mumbled.

You laughed quietly, then asked, "Ready to go back to sleep?"

He nodded. The two of you lay down together, with Levi's head resting on your chest so he could hear your heart beating. Although you were exhausted, you forced yourself to stay awake until you were sure Levi was sleeping peacefully next to you. Only then did you let yourself slip into unconsciousness, your husband wrapped lovingly in your arms. 

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