The Date (Levi x Reader)

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Author's note: This story is purely for fun and not meant to seriously insult any art form. Thanks to all types of performers for doing what you do.

Levi Ackerman had a problem – namely, you.

"I don't know what to do with that brat," Levi complained to Hanji one afternoon. He ran a hand through his hair. "She's just know..."

What Levi meant to say was that you were the perfect woman. Smart and breathtakingly beautiful. Poised and feminine, yet tough. You were technically nobility, but you didn't look down on anyone because of your status. And you were good at cleaning – so, so good at cleaning.

"And I'm know..."

What Levi meant to say was that he wasn't good enough for you. He grew up as a street rat in the Underground. He was rough, ill-mannered, and socially awkward. And in his opinion, he wasn't much to look at, either. His scarred, bloodstained hands weren't fit to hold you.

Luckily, Hanji was well-versed in Levi-speak.

"Oh, come on, Levi," she chimed. "You're being too hard on yourself. You and (f/n) get along so well. I ship it. You should ask her out on a date."

"A...what?" Levi's typically stoic eyes went so wide that Hanji thought they might pop out of his head.

"Okay, okay, maybe don't think of it as a date," Hanji said hastily, trying to prevent Levi from having a heart attack. "Just...think of it as hanging out. You two do that all the time, right?"

"At HQ," Levi mumbled. "We don't go...out."

"Well, take her out!"

Levi sighed. "I wouldn't even know what to do with her."

Hanji hummed. "Let's see...(F/n) comes from nobility, so she's probably used to fancy stuff," she mused. "You should do something refined, like...Oh! I know!"


The following evening, you breezed into Levi's office.

"Commander Erwin asked me to give you these," you explained, setting a stack of papers on Levi's desk.

"Thanks," Levi mumbled.

Then he took a deep breath. It was now or never.

"By the way," he muttered before you could turn to leave, "I have two tickets to the opera tomorrow night, and...I was wondering..." Levi gritted his teeth and forced out, "...would you want to go with me?"

"Oh," you said, slightly surprised. "Sure, I'll go with you."

Levi nodded in acknowledgement, not trusting himself to speak.

After working out the details, you smiled and bid him goodnight.

Once you were gone, Levi loosed a breath he didn't know he had been holding. Thankfully, he had made it through that ordeal without losing his composure. Now, he just had to make it through tomorrow night.


Levi picked you up outside of your room. He almost forgot how to breathe when you opened the door, revealing your (f/c) dress that complimented your form perfectly. You had styled your hair in an elegant updo, and a glittering silver necklace graced your bare collar.

He couldn't stop stealing glances at you as you sat next to him in the auditorium. You certainly looked like you belonged here, in this ornate theater that was built for the sole purpose of appreciating beautiful things. In Levi's eyes, nothing was more deserving of appreciation than you.

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