He's with Me (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: This was inspired by the "Levi Reader Tea Shop Headcanon" series by sub_bts_smut on Archive of Our Own. It takes place after season 4 and contains some small spoilers from chapter 115 of the manga.

The first time it happened – or at least, the first time you saw it happen – was in a tavern halfway between your home and the royal capital.

You and your husband, Levi, were coming back from a visit with Queen Historia, who had requested Levi's advice on her plans to improve the Underground City. Your presence wasn't strictly required, but you had gone anyway to keep Levi company. It was a two-day journey, so you stopped at an inn overnight.

You and Levi booked a room before sitting down for dinner at a small booth in the corner. You stayed on his right side, which was becoming a habit for you. The injury he had sustained during the war left him less perceptive and thus more vulnerable from that angle, but if you were there, you could protect him from anything that might try to cause him harm.

Of course, threats were minimal now that the war was over. It was only out of your leftover soldier's instincts that you glanced around the dining hall, subconsciously marking the exits and checking for anything unusual. That's when your eyes landed on three men at a table across the room.

They seemed to be in their twenties, and they were all staring at you with lustful intentions that you definitely did not appreciate. Then their eyes drifted to Levi, and their expressions turned haughty. You didn't need to hear the words they spoke to each other in order to tell that they were deriding him – thinking that they could do you better than someone with scars covering half his face.

You shot them an icy glare before turning to Levi, and your expression softened into love. You placed a possessive hand on his thigh, rubbing it gently. Then you leaned in for a passionate kiss that was just a bit too scandalous for a public setting.

Normally, Levi disliked public displays of affection, especially when they were this steamy. But this time, he went with it, giving in and allowing you to do as you pleased. For such abnormal behavior, there were two main reasons:

One, it was a balm for his insecurity. Although he would never admit it, the mocking glances of those men had hit too close to home. Levi certainly wasn't one to pity himself or fuss over vanity, but it was important to him that he looked presentable for you. Unfortunately, a small part of him felt that he wasn't good enough, that the scars on his face were too ugly to pair with such a beautiful woman. However, your loving touches showed him – and everyone else, for that matter – that there was no one more attractive in your eyes.

Two, the defeated looks on their oh-so-perfect faces were priceless. They knew that there was only one person who would be sharing your bed tonight, and it wasn't any of them.

When you finally broke the kiss, you leisurely swung your legs across Levi's lap. His arm wrapped around your waist on instinct, supporting you and keeping you close. It was somewhat inconvenient to eat dinner like that, but you didn't mind. You didn't pay much attention to the meal at all, actually. Only your habitual obligation not to waste food after a lifetime of shortage had you cleaning your plate.

You pressed close to Levi as the two of you left the lively dining hall behind and went upstairs to your room. Things quickly became heated, which was to be expected after your little display earlier. In no time at all, you had Levi pinned beneath you on the bed.

It was always like this – being unable to keep your hands off each other. After the war, after you two were married, it seemed that a lifetime of loss had left you with an unyielding appreciation and desire for the person you loved most. You wanted to savor every moment, constantly aware of how lucky you were to be alive and together.

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