Rough Night (Sick Levi x Reader)

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When spring was at its peak, a stomach bug ripped its way through Scout Regiment Headquarters. Thankfully, the illness wasn't terribly severe, but the afflicted did suffer from about twenty-four hours of messy agony before getting better. The biggest concern was that it was preventing nearly everyone from performing their duties. Even Captain Levi – who never, ever got sick – was affected.

Of course, he tried to hide it, as he hated showing weakness of any kind. He also did his best to continue with his work. However, when you walked in to find him pale as death and clearly lightheaded, you put a stop to his efforts immediately.

"Levi, the paperwork can wait," you insisted. "You look like you're about to keel over any second. Go get some rest."

"Tch. I'm fine," he hissed.

"You're not fine," you muttered, rolling your eyes. "You're obviously sick."

"I don't get sick, (l/n)," he growled, his hand tightening its grip on the pen as he signed a document. "Either tell me what you came here for, or leave."

"Oh, so it's (l/n) now, is it?" you asked with raised eyebrows. You and Levi had been dating for a few months, and you were friends for several years before that. He had always addressed you by your first name, like he did with everyone else, since he wasn't big on formalities.

"Only when you annoy me," he grumbled.

You scoffed. "Well, Erwin did ask me to drop off some more paperwork for you, but you're clearly not fit to do it now, so I think I'll hold on to it."

Levi's eyes narrowed. "Just give it to me, brat."


"I'm ordering you –"

"You can't order me, dearest," you interrupted with a smirk. "We hold the same rank."

Levi growled in frustration and stood up from his desk chair. However, the sudden movement was too much for his frail state, and he swayed.

You instinctively stepped toward him, filled with worry. "Levi, sit down," you murmured calmly.

"Tch," he growled, steadying himself with a hand on his desk. "I'm fine."

"You're not," you insisted gently. Despite his protests, you braced your hands on his arms and began walking him away from the desk. "Come on, let's just get you into bed. Erwin will understand if the paperwork doesn't happen today."

"I told you, I'm fine," Levi snapped. However, he was too weak to fight you, or even to stand on his own.

You had gotten about halfway across his office when Levi suddenly stiffened. His eyes went wide as a hand flew to his mouth. Faster than you could blink, he shoved you away and stumbled in the opposite direction before falling to his knees. Then he vomited all over the floor.

Your concern for Levi overshadowed any disgust you might have felt. You immediately knelt on the floor next to him and put a hand on his back, rubbing soothing circles across his shoulder blades. "Shh," you cooed.

By the time Levi got the vile substance out of his system, he was shaking and gasping for breath. "Damn it," he growled with a scratchy voice. "What a mess..." Then he rose on one knee, trying to make his way to the cabinet where he kept his cleaning supplies.

"Oh no, you don't," you murmured, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him to a seated position on the floor.

"Let me go," he hissed faintly. "I need to get this disgusting my floor..."

Your eyes filled with worry as you gazed down at him. Tiny beads of sweat were visible on his face, and when you pressed a hand to his forehead, his skin felt cold and clammy. His small body trembled in your embrace.

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