Scary Movie (Levi x Scared Reader Modern AU)

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Author's Note: Happy Halloween! Eat lots of candy, and don't frighten yourselves too much! (Trust Author-chan, because she knows – the scary movie isn't worth it.) On another note, thanks for 200K reads!

You clung to Levi, pressing yourself so close that you were practically on top of him. You felt yourself growing more and more afraid with each passing second, but you couldn't tear your wide eyes away from the screen.

Don't go in the house, you thought. Please, please, don't go in the house.

"Oi, brat, are you sure you're okay with this?" Levi grumbled, not for the first time.

You nodded, gripping him even tighter. After all, you were the one who suggested watching this movie in the first place, bravely stating that you wouldn't be scared. You couldn't chicken out now. Oh, how young and naïve you had been back then...two hours ago...

Levi sighed, then returned his attention to the screen. Of course, he had no problem watching The Blair Witch Project. He wasn't scared of anything, ever.

Don't go in the basement. No, no, the bad thing is down there. You stupid people, DON'T GO IN THE BASEMENT!

"Oi, stop digging your nails into my arm," Levi muttered.

You didn't even hear him.

"Hey..." Levi tried again.

Finally, the movie ended, and you released the breath you had been holding for God knows how long. You suddenly realized how tightly you were clutching Levi, and you laughed sheepishly. With great difficulty, you forced yourself to let him go.

"Well, that wasn't so bad," you said quickly, trying gloss over your fear. "I don't get why everyone is so scared of it."

"Uh-huh," Levi grunted, not fooled in the slightest.

"Hey, can we watch something else?" you asked. "What about Casper the Friendly Ghost?"

"Do what you want," he muttered. "I'm going to bed."

"Please," you pressed, trying not to sound desperate.

However, Levi saw right through you. "Tch. You're scared, aren't you? I told you that we shouldn't have watched Blair Witch."

The last of your bravado fell away. "Okay, okay, I'm scared," you admitted. "So will you please watch another movie with me?"

"No, brat. It's already late. We need to go to sleep."

"But I can't sleep now!" you insisted.

Levi sighed. "It's not real, (f/n). It's just a movie. Nothing is going to get you."

"You don't know that!" you exclaimed.

With a roll of his eyes, Levi pulled out his phone. After clicking around for a moment, he showed you a page on IMDB. "Look," he muttered. "You can see the cast of Blair Witch right there. They're actors, (f/n). They're all still alive. They were even in other movies after that."

"Well, maybe the movie wasn't real, but stuff like that could still happen!"

"Brat, we live in a nice apartment building in the middle of a modern city. Even if stuff like that did happen – which it doesn't – it wouldn't happen here. The place isn't old or creepy enough."

"But what if it was built on an ancient burial ground?" you pressed. "You never know."

Levi was very, very done with this. "We have lived here for two years," he stated. "If something bad were going to happen, it would've happened already."

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