Exposed: Reprise (Ex-Stripper Levi x Student Reader AU)

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Author's Note: An idea popped into my head, so I decided to write a sequel to the last story. Please be advised that this contains actual descriptions of pole dances, lap dances, and borderline emotional trauma. It also briefly mentions non-consensual touching. If any of that bothers you, please skip this part, and go treat yourself to a cookie instead. Author-chan gives you permission. :)

"So, how do you like living with (f/n)?" Hanji drawled as they left their Statistics class, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. "Sharing a bed sure is convenient, hmm?"

"Tch," Levi scoffed, narrowing his eyes at her. "I told you, we don't do stuff like that. And it's none of your business, anyway."

"You mean you haven't put those stripper skills to good use?" Hanji exclaimed, causing Levi to hastily shush her. "Sorry, sorry," she murmured, quieter now. "But don't you think you're, you know...holding out on her? I mean, if I were in her shoes, I'd feel hurt that my partner did it for strangers but not me."

Levi's gaze flicked to the ground. "She said she didn't care..." he mumbled.

Although he was loath to admit it, Hanji had hit his worries right on the head. Despite (f/n)'s reassurances, he still felt guilty that he wasn't comfortable doing those things for her. After all, even with his malaise, he had stripped for complete strangers who cared far less for him than (f/n) did. Yet, he wasn't willing to do it for his own girlfriend...

Hanji hummed thoughtfully. "Well, (f/n)'s a really kind person, so I'm not surprised that she would hide her feelings. But think about it – who wouldn't want to get a lap dance from their partner? And especially from someone so experienced..."

The brunette prattled on, giving him suggestions on which routines (f/n) might like best, and offering to let him borrow some of her experimental pheromones to set the mood. All the while, Levi remained silent, guilt weighing heavier and heavier on his chest. He knew Hanji's assertions were only fair, and he wanted to do right by (f/n). He couldn't bear the thought of disappointing her or denying her anything.

So, swallowing against the sick feeling in his stomach, he made his decision.


When you opened the door of your studio apartment, you were surprised to find that all the lights were off.

"Levi?" you called warily as you stepped inside. He had texted you earlier to confirm you'd be coming home at this time, and you thought that meant he'd be home too. Perhaps he'd gone to get dinner?

After removing your outerwear and proceeding through the entryway, you realized your apartment wasn't completely dark. Dozens of candles bathed the space around your bed in a soft glow. In fact, it looked like a rather intimate setting...

You nearly jumped when you heard Levi's soft response to your call. Clearly, he was here, but it took you a minute to figure out where his voice was coming from. Eventually, you realized he was speaking from behind the folding screen you two had put up as a way to have privacy while you changed clothes.

"Could you...s-sit on the bed?" he asked faintly.

"Yeah..." you replied slowly while you did as he requested, your brow furrowing when you realized the comforter was sprinkled with velvety rose petals.

Everything about this threw you for a loop. Not just the setting, but also his voice. You had only ever heard Levi stutter in romantic situations – where he was, surprisingly, quite shy. Yet, anything beyond innocent kissing made him truly uncomfortable, so you doubted he had something steamy planned, despite what the candlelight and rose-covered bed seemed to suggest. But then, what could it be...?

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