The Perfect Gift (Levi x Birthday Reader)

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You awoke on your birthday just happy to be alive. It was the final day of a two-week expedition outside the Walls. Although the mission had been both exhausting and brutal, at long last, you made it home safely.

For the entire morning, no one had said anything to you about your birthday. Of course, you hadn't expected them to. There were much more important things going on. At least, you hoped that was the reason. Surely, your friends wouldn't have forgotten...would they?

You entered the Walls just before noon, but still, no one mentioned it. They didn't wish you a happy birthday once you arrived back at HQ, either. You were a little disappointed, but you weren't about to remind them. You didn't want them to feel obligated to celebrate, especially since they were just as exhausted as you.

You were so tired that you barely managed to shower and change your clothes before you collapsed onto your bed. Sleep claimed you instantly.

However, too soon, Hanji was shaking you awake. "(F/n)! Get up, sleepyhead! It's time for dinner!"

You groaned and curled in on yourself. "Hanji, no. I'm not hungry. Please, just let me sleep."

"No can do, (f/n)," Hanji chimed. "Your body needs food after such a long expedition. I promise I'll let you sleep after you've eaten something."

Knowing that Hanji would keep pestering you until you caved, you begrudgingly left your warm bed and shuffled to your wardrobe, pulling out a clean uniform.

However, before you could get dressed, Hanji ripped the uniform from your hands and replaced it with your fancy (f/c) dress.

"Hanji, this is too much for dinner in the mess hall," you muttered as you slipped it over your head. At this point, you were starting to get suspicious.

Hanji rubbed the back of her neck, and her smile seemed a little too big to be genuine. "Well...I wanted to dress up tonight, and I didn't want to be alone, so there you go."

You stared flatly at Hanji, who was indeed wearing a very nice dress. However, you were not convinced.

Before you could question her further, she sat you down in front of your mirror and began yanking a brush through your hair. Her actions left you in too much pain to do anything but yelp and groan, but you couldn't argue with her results. By the time Hanji was done, you looked like you had just come out of a salon.

Then she rushed you downstairs, chatting animatedly about her titan specimens. The woman seemed to never take a breath, so you had no opportunity to ask about her suspicious behavior.

However, when she walked right past the mess hall, you finally decided to interrupt her. "Hanji, where are we going? The mess hall is back there."

"Oh, I know! But I wanted to show you something before dinner. It will only take a second, I promise."

Before you could ask what, exactly, she wanted to show you, Hanji exclaimed, "Look! Here we are!"

She had stopped outside the south common room, where soldiers would typically hang out during their free time. She pushed the door open, and...


The small but comfortable space was filled with your closest friends, various decorations, and a pile of presents.

You smiled, although you weren't very surprised. Truth be told, you had been expecting something like this ever since Hanji dressed you up. Still, you appreciated the effort. You were certainly happy that your friends had remembered your birthday.

However, there was one person missing...

"Happy birthday, brat."

Your smile grew at the sound of that familiar voice behind you. You turned, and there was Levi, dressed in a suit, standing in the doorway with a...cake.

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