Bare (Levi x Reader)

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This was it – the big night. However, despite your gorgeous dress, despite your beautiful hair and makeup, despite the friends that surrounded you, you couldn't be happy. Why? Because you hadn't gotten the only thing you had really wanted.

It seemed frivolous to be upset over that one snag when so many good things were happening around you. After all, it wasn't often that soldiers got the chance to attend a ball. It wasn't often that you could forget about your dangerous lives and take a night off to have fun. However, even though you felt guilty about it, you couldn't stop your sadness from casting a grey hue over the evening.

You had been hoping, against all odds, that a certain someone would ask you to be his date tonight. You had fallen hard for him – for this person who was your best friend, who always treated you with kindness despite his cold-hearted reputation, and who was utterly perfect in your eyes. That's right, you were in love with Humanity's Strongest Soldier, Captain Levi.

Of course, you had never told him how you felt, and he was too oblivious to pick up on it himself. He was also too socially awkward to ask you to the dance on his own, but that didn't stop you from wishing that he would. However, that wish was merely the representation of a broader desire – the desire for him to love you in the same way that you loved him.

Hanji, who was well aware of the reason for your melancholy, had been trying to console you all evening. "Cheer up, (f/n)," she cooed. "You'll have other chances. But for now, just try to enjoy tonight. Do I need to get the girls together for a line dance?"

You cringed. Yet, at the same time, a small smile made its way onto your face. "No, thanks. I'll settle for a cupcake," you quipped, making your way to the refreshment table.

However, neither the cupcake nor the dancing could lighten your mood. So while your friends were distracted, you discreetly left the party, wanting only to go home.

The freezing air chilled your bare arms, and you rubbed them furiously, trying to keep warm. It was the worst part of winter – cold with no snow. There had even been rain earlier today, which had turned the ground into mud. You had to carefully avoid the slimy substance as you walked down the dark, empty streets.

You regretted not taking a carriage, but they were expensive, and you had already spent so much money on your dress. Besides, the barracks weren't too far. You could grit your teeth and bear it for a little while.

But soon, you found another reason to regret not taking a carriage. It seemed that even in this nice part of town, a lone woman could attract the wrong kind of attention. And with your dress and heels, you appeared to be an even easier target.

Unbeknownst to your attackers, you were exceptionally skilled in hand-to-hand combat – second only to Levi, in fact. You were able to dispatch all three of them and make a run for it, but you didn't escape unscathed. You had sustained several cuts and bruises, and you were pretty sure that you had sprained something in your right hand. In any case, you couldn't move it without a sharp pain shooting up your arm.

Shivering, you clutched it to your chest, simultaneously trying to hold up the strap of your dress, which had been sliced with a knife. To make matters worse, you had lost your shoes, and you felt tiny rocks digging into your feet as you shuffled in the general direction of the barracks. As the icing on the cake, you were also covered in dirt.

You felt like you wanted to cry. Everything had gone wrong tonight. Everything. First Levi, and now...this. You couldn't tell which was greater – the pain in your body, or the pain in your heart.


You stopped dead, your breath hitching at the sound of the last voice you expected to hear. But when you turned, there was Levi, looking windblown but still dazzling in his suit.

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