Spa (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Contains slight spoilers for season 4 (chapter 115). If you've been on the internet, you've probably already seen the manga pictures.

"We're here!" you exclaimed happily after stepping out of the taxi.

"Tch," Levi grumbled as he slipped out behind you. "I still don't see why we had to travel to a whole other country just to go to a spa."

"It's supposed to be the best in the world," you stated, not for the first time. "Besides, we could both use the rest and relaxation."

You paid the driver, and then you carried your suitcases up to the main building. Smiling bellhops were waiting to take them from you and deliver them to your room. Once you were free of your burden, you took the opportunity to look around.

A lush forest surrounded the extensive resort. The buildings themselves were also gorgeous, and built in an architectural style unlike anything you had ever seen before. Their thatched roofs were supported by bamboo poles and gleaming, red-brown wood. Calm, turquoise water flowed around them, punctuated here and there by strange stone statues. The effect was both spiritual and relaxing, and you knew immediately that you would like it here.

The lobby was no less impressive. The walls looked as if someone had piled up a bunch of small, smooth stones to make them, and you couldn't resist running your fingers over the bumpy surface. The floor was also made of dark stones, except these ones were large and perfectly arrayed so that the ground was flat. Similar to the water outside, tiny pools were placed around the room, accompanied by burbling waterfalls.

You took Levi's hand – the one that was missing two fingers – and walked through the calming space to the front desk. Because his right eye was still stitched shut, and because he would likely never see from it again, you had begun staying on that side of him. It was your way of reassuring him, since he was now blind to any threats from that angle. By placing yourself there, you could be his eyes. You could protect him and make him feel safe.

You cleared your throat, getting the attention of the receptionist, who was absorbed with what looked like a list of guests. She glanced up, instinctively giving you a warm smile – a smile that only faltered for half a second when she saw Levi. The speed with which she concealed her shock was no doubt a testament to her professionalism.

"We're checking in," you said quickly, pressing a little closer to Levi. You doubted that he cared what other people thought of his appearance, but you still tried to cover up the awkwardness as much as possible. "Mr. and Mrs. Ackerman."

"Of course. Welcome," she chimed. She didn't even bother with looking up your names, and you wondered if she had the list memorized. She held out a pamphlet and continued, "Here is a menu of our offerings. We have suggested schedules that you can follow during your week-long stay, or you can pick your own schedule à-la-carte. Please browse the options tonight and let us know what you would like to do."

You took the pamphlet and gave it a quick glance, eager to see what it contained.

She rang a soothing bell, and another woman appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. "Your bags are already in your room. Lin will take you there," the receptionist stated, gesturing to the second woman. "We hope your stay will be enjoyable and rejuvenating."

You thanked her, then followed Lin to your bedroom. You had booked a suite that was specifically for couples, and you certainly were not disappointed. The dark-wooded room seemed like the perfect blend of ancient mystique and modern comforts. It was open and airy, with glass doors on one side that led to a balcony. When you looked out, all you could see were leafy green trees, making it feel like your room was part of the forest itself. The bed was large and plush, with a canopy made of white, gossamer curtains. The bedding itself was a deep red.

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