Just a Number (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Wow, it has only been eight chapters, and this book already has 100K more reads! Happy 400K, everyone! And thank you bunches!

About a third of new recruits to the Scout Regiment died on their first mission. Within four years, nearly all were dead. However, those who endured were amongst the most capable soldiers alive.

You just happened to be one of them.

During your relatively long tenure as a Scout, you somehow became quite close with the unapproachable Captain Levi, who had joined the regiment one year before you and had already made a name for himself by the time you arrived. Maybe it was your impeccable cleaning skills, or your understanding of his dry humor, or the way that you treated him like a normal person instead of being too frightened or too awed to interact with him. Perhaps it was a combination, or something else entirely. Regardless, your friendship was natural and easy, as if you were made for each other.

Now, you had arrived at the point where something more than friendship was blossoming. It started with a breaking-down of the physical barriers between you – so slow that you didn't even realize it was happening. What used to be a hair ruffle now became long and soothing strokes. What used to be a hand on your shoulder now became a hug. And during your evening tea on his couch, you began to sit closer, and closer, until you were reclining on top of each other.

Then, on a quiet night like any other, you shared a kiss in the flickering light of the fireplace.

Again, it felt natural, easy. You had already become close mentally and emotionally, so your next instinct was to become close physically. Even Levi, who typically hated being touched, wanted that innocent affection with you. It was something he had craved his whole life, in fact – someone that he could trust to allow past his defenses, someone who would never hurt him, someone who would see all that he was and not run away. And kissing was the perfect expression of that.

You two didn't put a label on it. Instead, you continued to simply exist as (f/n) and Levi. Normal. Comfortable. Extraordinary.

Once he got the hang of it, Levi excelled at kissing. The diligence that he had fostered in every other area of his life served him well in this regard, too. And the time came when nightly makeout sessions in his office or on the starlit roof weren't uncommon – as long as you had privacy, of course. Yet, while the kisses made your heart race and the oxytocin flow, they still retained the innocence that was so fundamental to your relationship.

You see, contrary to popular belief, Levi was actually soft at heart. He wasn't looking to rip your clothes off and throw you into bed. Rather, he was in pure, reverent awe of you, and he was content to convey that by worshiping your mouth with his own. Add in his craving for a deep, trust-based connection, and you had the perfect ingredients for your gentle pleasure. This was where the mind-blowing kisses came into play.

Yet, skilled as he was, Levi never lost that adorable shyness – a result of this being his first-ever romantic experience. When he pulled back, blushing and breathless, he would often apologize, because he thought he had gone too far – because he himself was overwhelmed, and he feared that you felt the same. Of course, you were always happy to reassure him that he didn't need to be sorry. These affectionate moments were fulfilling for both of you.

And because Levi was so phenomenal at kissing, you noticed right away on the night that he became hesitant and distracted.

"Levi? What's wrong?" you murmured, willing to do anything to erase the melancholy in his eyes.

He was silent for a long moment, staring into the flames instead of looking at you. You let him take his time, not wanting to make things worse by pressuring him. He knew that you were here for him, and he would tell you when he was ready.

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