Don't Touch Him (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: This story was inspired by the "Jinrui Saikyou Kanojo" manga by Issou g / ICHINASHI Kimi. Just in case, I'll warn you that it contains brief, non-consensual touching. 

You had seen Captain Levi around, but you had never actually met him until Commander Erwin gave your squad leader, Hanji, the go-ahead to start experimenting on titans. From that point onward, your squad and Levi's worked quite closely together, as the elite Special Ops soldiers under his command were instrumental in capturing the monsters Hanji needed.

It started as a simple working relationship, where Levi got to know you, and where you learned that he wasn't as frightening as everyone claimed. Once the two of you started to realize how compatible you were, things naturally progressed into a friendship. Later, those feelings of friendship blossomed into love – built on a foundation of deep understanding and trust. You told each other everything, even secrets that you had kept for your entire lives.

In fact, there was one night in particular when it all came out...

"You have to swear not to tell anyone," you stated softly, glancing nervously at the ground. "Not a soul."

Gently, you felt Levi's calloused fingers touch your chin, lifting it until your eyes met his. "I swear it," he vowed solemnly.

And because it was Levi, you knew you could trust him, even with a secret that could jeopardize your life. "I'm the only daughter of Lord Tyrann. But I...I ran away from him, several years ago."

Levi's brow furrowed. So, that was the reason why you were still a lieutenant despite your skills and experience – why, year after year, you refused promotions that might take you to the capital. You were avoiding any chance of seeing your father.

"Why?" Levi asked.

You swallowed, gathering your courage. Then, "He, um...didn't treat me the best. At first, I thought that I would at least be free from it when he married me off but..." You took a deep breath. "My fiancé ended up being worse. So I ran. I dyed my hair and changed my surname, and now... They think I'm dead. But if they found out I was alive, they'd drag me back, and..." You trailed off, feeling your hands begin to shake. Logically, it was ridiculous – that you could battle man-eating monsters and yet still be frightened of a couple of humans. But even so...

Levi took your hands in his, trying to stop them from trembling. "Did they hurt you?" he asked with deadly seriousness.

You almost flinched, but then you remembered that you didn't have to be afraid anymore. You were with Levi. "Please don't do anything," you murmured, knowing that despite Levi's calm demeanor, he was seething rage on the inside. "If something happened...if they figured out that I got away..."

Levi sighed, then pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Don't worry, brat. I'll keep your secret safe. I promise."

Your body relaxed at his words, at the soft sound of his voice. Wanting to comfort you further, Levi pulled you into a hug, his fingers stroking your spine in a soothing motion. For a minute, the two of you stayed that way, silent but for your shared breaths.

"So...what's your family story?" you asked.

Levi didn't say anything, and after a moment, you amended sincerely, "Sorry. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to –"

"No," he interrupted gently. "It's fine. I's not something I'm used to talking about."

"Take your time," you murmured, running your fingers through his hair, brushing up and down the fuzzy part above his nape.

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