Raptor Your Heart Out (Levi x Velociraptor Reader)

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You were in the...interesting...position of having Section Commander Hanji as your C.O. Thus, you had no choice but to participate in her dangerous – and occasionally weird – experiments.

One morning after breakfast, she took you outside and made you drink a suspicious potion she had concocted. However, aside from the terrible taste, nothing happened to you. Hanji seemed disappointed at the lack of results, but she refused to tell you what should have occurred. She only said that she would change some things and try again later, much to your dismay.

A few days later, you were outside the Walls. Your squad partnered with Captain Levi's as you tried to capture titans for Hanji's research. However, there were a lot more titans in the area than you originally thought, and things quickly became dangerous.

As the pressure increased and your heart rate accelerated, you suddenly felt very strange. A moment later, you realized that were growing taller. Your fingernails were elongating into claws. Your skin was turning into scales. And before you knew it, pure animal instinct took over.

There was prey all around you. You shifted into hunting mode, but then you noticed that other creatures were attacking your prey – creatures that were very big and didn't smell edible.

You couldn't have that. The prey was yours. You used your superior agility to jump up and sink your claws into the nearest giant. Instinctively, you went for the throat, slicing it again and again until your enemy fell.

You did the same thing to the other creatures trying to steal your prey. And because your prey was also fighting back, it didn't take long to eliminate the giants.

As you attacked, you could hear your prey yelling to each other, though you couldn't understand their strange language.

"Yahoo! It looks like my experiment finally worked!"

"Your experiment? Four-eyes, what the hell did you do to (f/n)?"

"She's a velociraptor!"

"A what?"

"A type of dinosaur! They were creatures that lived a really long time ago. I read about them and wanted to see if I could make one. I thought my experiment failed, but it worked!"

The last of the giants fell, and finally, you turned to face your prey. You crouched, claws up as you prepared to pounce...

"Is she dangerous?" the red-haired female asked.

"Sure looks that way!" one of the males yelled as he pulled out what appeared to be his own claws.

The others quickly followed suit. All but one.

"Calm down!" the shortest of your prey commanded, holding up a hand. Then he turned to you, meeting your eyes with his grey-blue ones. "(F/n), can you understand me?"

"Captain, I need you to step away!" the red-haired one shouted.

"You're the ones who need to step away," he replied levelly.

"But –"

"Do it!"

The short male inched toward you, holding out a hand. "Easy, (f/n)," he muttered.

You sniffed. All the others smelled afraid, but not him. Strange.

"Captain, why –"

"Gut feeling."

The male continued to close the distance, his eyes never leaving yours.

Meanwhile, you were very confused. Was this male prey or not? Curious, you rose from your crouch, tilting your head.

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