Through the Mud (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: I have about 14 stories on my to-do list right now, including a multi-part story, so...yeah. I'm not going to have a life for a while. But that's fine. Levi is worth it. :)

It had been a particularly disgusting morning, and clumps of mud still littered the streets. At least it had stopped raining in time for you to accompany Captain Levi on some errands. The sun shone brightly as you walked through town a half step behind your superior.

Since you were technically on duty, both you and your captain were still in your Scout uniforms. The wings on your back always elicited an array of reactions from people, ranging from pure admiration to utter disdain. You had gotten used to it by now, and you instinctively ignored the townspeople's staring as you passed.

The two of you were walking across a bridge when you were met with a rather unpleasant sight.

"Well, if it isn't the Scouts," one of the MP's sneered hatefully.

"Walking wastes of taxpayer money," his partner added.

You glared at the men, but you refrained from doing anything more after Levi hissed at you to ignore them. However, that task became impossible when they stepped right into your path.

"Excuse us," you bit out, trying to control your temper.

The MP's didn't move. "Hasn't your joke of a regiment been disbanded yet?" the first one asked.

"You're in the way," Levi muttered, sounding almost bored. "Move."

"And who are you, short stack?" the MP asked.

You almost couldn't believe what you were hearing. How dare they? "You are addressing Captain Levi," you snapped. "You ought to show some respect."

The MP's scoffed. The one who had just spoken replied, "Why should I show respect to people who aren't worth the dirt beneath our feet?"

For emphasis, he kicked the clump of mud beneath him. You watched, aghast, as that mud flew through the air, as if in slow motion, and splattered all over Levi's boots.

That was the last straw. It would have been considered extremely disrespectful to kick mud on any officer, but given what you knew about Levi's obsession with cleanliness, the action made you all the angrier.

Without giving anyone time to react, you bent down, grabbed the man's legs, and tipped him over the rail, into the river below. There were a few gasps from the townspeople nearby as you, Levi, and the other MP all peered down into the water.

Fortunately – or perhaps, unfortunately – the MP could swim, and he was now yelling at you and shaking his fist while he kicked to stay afloat.

You couldn't help laughing a little under your breath. The scene was quite comical, and the MP had certainly deserved it. Actually, he deserved a lot worse, in your opinion.

"(L/n)," Levi growled, yanking you around to face him. "What were you thinking?"

Immediately, your mood became serious. As you stared into your captain's eyes, that forbidden emotion that you had been feeling recently once again rose to the surface. "He got mud on you," you replied softly.

You weren't sure, but you could've sworn that something in Levi's expression changed a little. His eyes weren't as cold as they had been a moment ago. "We're leaving," he stated.

He then turned sharply away, forcing you to rush after him.


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