Come to Bed (Levi x Reader)

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"Well, (l/n), I couldn't be more impressed with you," your squad leader stated as he reviewed your performance in his office. "Your skills in the field are excellent, especially for a cadet. And you work well with all of your fellow soldiers." His expression became fatigued as he mumbled, "Even Corporal Levi."

Your brow furrowed. "Thank you, sir, there something wrong with Corporal Levi?" you asked, confused at his dismay when he mentioned your squadmate and friend.

Levi had joined the Scouts a few months before you did, through non-conventional means. After seeing his skills in the slums of the Underground City, Section Commander Smith had personally recruited him. From what you had heard, Levi hadn't exactly come willingly. Even so, he was the best fighter in the regiment. You would have thought that everyone was happy to have such a skilled soldier slaying titans alongside them.

"Well, he can be a bit...difficult..." your squad leader said hesitantly. "You're the only one he seems to get along with."

"Oh," you muttered. You knew that Levi wasn't very social, and honestly, it made you a little sad that he didn't have any other friends. However, after everything he had been through, you could understand why he wanted to keep his distance.

Of course, Levi had been prickly with you too, at first. However, as time went on, it seemed that you couldn't help but get along with each other. Your personalities naturally clicked. Now, you even thought of him as your best friend.

Every so often, you did sense a little of that hesitancy from him. Sometimes, he even came across as callous. But regardless of how it seemed, you knew he didn't behave that way because he didn't want you around. He was just afraid to care about you, because he knew how much it would hurt if he lost you, and he didn't want to go through that pain again. Once was already too much.


The choice he made was wrong.

First Isabel, then Farlan. Levi was forced to watch as they were devoured, knowing that he couldn't reach them but trying desperately anyway.

Then, out of nowhere, he heard a scream that he didn't expect. He whipped his head around, and his already broken heart shattered once more.

What was she doing here? She wasn't supposed to be here. It didn't make sense. Yet, Levi couldn't deny that it was (f/n) he saw staring back at him, tears filling her (e/c) eyes.

He tried to run to her. He had been too late to save Isabel and Farlan. He couldn't fail (f/n) too. He couldn't...

But it was useless. Once again, Levi was forced to watch. (F/n) mouthed a goodbye, and the beast plunged her into its hungry jaws.

"No!" Levi screamed as he bolted upright.

His heart was pounding. He was gasping for breath. His skin was covered in a cold sweat as he gripped...his bedsheets.

He was in his room at Scout Regiment Headquarters. No one was dying in front of him. It had all been another nightmare.

Levi tried to calm himself, slowly forcing his breaths back to a deep, steady rhythm. However, even when his heart rate was under control, even when his body had stopped shaking, he couldn't drive the anxiety from his mind. His thoughts kept circling around (f/n).

Logically, he knew that she was safely asleep in her own room. But something inside him just had to make sure. In the end, he couldn't ignore his need to see her.

He threw on his shoes and slipped quietly down the hallway. He shouldn't have been out of bed at this hour, much less going to a female soldier's room. But he didn't care about the rules right now.

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