Pampered (Husband Levi x Princess Reader)

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You sighed as you relaxed into the steaming bath water.

"Which scent would you prefer today, Princess?" Cora asked from behind you.

"Lavender, please," you replied.

You heard the quiet clink of bottles as Cora pulled the lavender shampoo and conditioner from the cabinet. Her shoes padded softly on the floor as she made her way over to you.

"I'll do that," a familiar voice stated from the doorway.

Cora gasped and dropped the bottles. Thankfully, they weren't fragile, so they didn't break when they hit the tile. "C-Captain Levi!" she squeaked.

For a moment, Cora stood frozen before remembering the state you were in. She quickly moved to block you from view.

"It's alright, Cora," you assured her. "It's nothing he hasn't seen before."

"Oh, r-right, um..." Cora sputtered.

You smiled in what you hoped was a comforting manner. "Why don't you take the rest of the night off? Levi and I will be fine on our own."

"Y-yes, Your Highness." Cora curtsied to you, but she seemed unsure of whether the same gesture was owed to Levi. Finally, she decided to give him a quick bob before hurrying from the room.

Levi watched her go with raised eyebrows. "Are all of your maids scared of me?" he asked as he went to pick up the bottles that Cora had dropped.

You let out a small chuckle. "They just don't know how to act around you. Give it time."

Levi grunted in acknowledgement before taking a seat behind you.

You reached back to take his hand in your own. As you looked up into his grey-blue eyes, you saw an exhaustion that was, unfortunately, all too familiar. It wasn't the physical exertion that left him in this state. Rather, it was the weight of all the impossible choices he had been forced to make, and of all the soldiers who had died. That darkness followed him constantly.

But you wouldn't let it follow him here. You gave him your best smile, trying to put him at ease, to make him forget his burdens for a little while. "Welcome home, my love," you murmured.

Those words, as well as the sight of his wife smiling up at him, seemed to have the desired effect. Levi's expression softened almost imperceptibly, and his eyes shone a little brighter. "Thank you," he replied quietly.

Pleased, you continued in a cheerful voice, "We weren't expecting you for at least another hour. Not that I'm complaining."

"There wasn't much going on, so Erwin let me leave early."

"Mmm. I'll have to thank him later," you hummed.

In a rare turn of events, Levi was granted the entire weekend off so that he could spend it with you at the palace. He usually stayed at the Scouts' headquarters 24/7, since it was too far for him to travel back and forth each day. You missed him terribly while he was away, and you were overjoyed at the thought of having him to yourself for the next forty-eight hours.

You released Levi's hand so he could begin shampooing your hair. You sighed at the feeling of his fingers gently massaging your head.

"So, you knew I was coming, but you decided to take a bath without me?" he purred.

Despite the warmth of the water, you shivered. "Well, you're always welcome to join." You had intended to sound seductive, but your voice came out as barely above a whisper. You and Levi had been married for three months now, yet he still managed to leave you breathless with just a few words.

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