The Boy Trapped in Darkness (Child Levi x Reader)

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You hummed quietly to yourself as you brewed tea for Levi in the kitchen. He had so much paperwork that he didn't even have time for a small break, so you wanted to do something nice for him. And he was always saying that you were the only one who actually knew how to make tea properly...

While you were waiting for the tea to steep, Hanji walked in. As soon as she saw you, her face lit up. "Hey, (f/n)! Is that tea for Levi?" she asked cheerfully.

"Yeah," you chimed. "Erwin is keeping him really busy with paperwork, so I thought he might like some."

"Aw, what a sweet girlfriend you are," Hanji cooed. "Say, could you do me a favor?"

"Uh..." you muttered hesitantly. Hanji's favors usually involved risking your life in one of her experiments, which wasn't something you were too keen on doing. "What do you need?"

"Could you check the pantry to see if we have any tomatoes?"

You blinked in surprise. "Sure...but can't you do that yourself?" you asked curiously.

Hanji rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, you see..." she explained sheepishly, "I kind of hurt my back, so I can't bend down to look at the bottom shelves."

"Oh. Okay, then." You checked the timer on Levi's tea, then went to search for tomatoes.

As soon as you were gone, Hanji chuckled deviously. She slipped something in Levi's tea, then quickly ran off with the drink.


You opened the door to Levi's office, where Hanji was leaning against the desk while Levi himself sat in his chair, sipping a cup of tea.

"There you are!" you exclaimed. "Why did you run off with Levi's tea?"

"Wait," Levi muttered, glaring suspiciously at Hanji. "You said that (f/n) asked you to bring me this."

Hanji immediately jumped up, looking extremely nervous. "Ah...well..." she stammered.

"Four-eyes..." Levi growled angrily. "Did you do something to my tea?"

Before Hanji could answer, there was a loud pop. The teacup shattered on the ground, and hot liquid splattered everywhere. However, the mess was the least of your concerns.

Levi was gone, and sitting in his place was a stunned child. Except...this child had black hair like Levi's...and grey-blue eyes like Levi's...and he was rather small...

"Hanji!" you screamed. "What did you do to my boyfriend?"

"I'm not sure," she murmured, looking curiously at the Levi-child. "I created a potion to make him cuter, but this isn't exactly what I had in mind."

The child pushed himself as far back into the chair as possible. He looked from you to Hanji with wide, frightened eyes. "W-who are you?" he snapped, trying to sound tough. "And where's Kenny?"

Your breath caught. "...Levi?" you gasped, still trying to wrap your head around the situation.

His eyes narrowed and flicked to you. "How do you know my name?" he asked suspiciously.

All of a sudden, you realized exactly what had happened. Hanji's potion had caused Levi to revert back to his childhood self, from when he lived in the Underground City. Magically, his clothes had changed too. There was even dirt smudged all over him. And of course, he didn't remember you, because he hadn't met you yet.

"We're friends of Kenny," you lied, trying to get him to trust you. "He asked us to watch you for a little while."

"I don't believe you," Levi growled.

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