The Assassin and the Crime Lord (Underground Levi x Reader)

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You crouched on the shadowed rooftop, humming your song while you waited.

The familiar tune never failed to calm you. You had known it since birth – literally being born with it in your mind. The same thing happened to everyone. They all carried a unique song inside themselves, shared only by one other person – their soulmate.

You hadn't met yours yet, and honestly, you doubted that you would ever get the chance. After all, you were an assassin – albeit one of the best, but still, it was dangerous work. Even if you did meet that special person, how could you drag them into your life, knowing that it would put them at risk? On top of that, love would only serve to distract you when you should be focusing on work. For all of these reasons, it was better that you never found the person whose song matched yours.

Still, you hummed the song, contented by the melody that had been your steadfast companion throughout all of your life.

Your target came into view, and you immediately silenced yourself. No more than a shadow, you dropped to the street and tailed him, making sure to keep out of sight. Your intent was to follow him home and do the job there, but before you could, you felt a sudden pain in your head. Then everything went black.


When you woke up, you kept your eyes closed. You knew that someone had knocked you out, and you didn't want to alert them to your consciousness before assessing your situation. It seemed you were seated in a chair, with your wrists and ankles bound. You discreetly tugged at the ropes, but they wouldn't budge. You twisted a little farther, trying to reach your knives – if they hadn't been taken from you.

"You can drop the act. I know you're awake."

Well, you supposed it was going to happen sooner or later. You opened your eyes, making a quick and thorough sweep of the room. You groaned inwardly when you realized that it was a torture chamber. This wasn't going to be pretty, but that was fine. Your father had taught you how to cope with torture.

Your eyes landed on the man who had spoken to you. He was shorter than average, but well-built. His black hair was styled in an undercut, and his eyes were a stunning shade of grey-blue.

"I'm sure you're familiar with your options," he stated in a flat, almost bored, tone. "You can either tell me what I want to know, or I'll make you tell me."

"And what do you want to know?" you asked sweetly. "How to grow taller?"

His unimpressed expression didn't change. "Who hired you to kill Ioan Jayne?"

"Your mother."

Those grey-blue eyes flashed. "I guess we'll do this the hard way," he muttered with a sigh.

He turned to his table full of tools, and you took the time to brace yourself. No matter what, you wouldn't talk. You wouldn't...

Your train of thought was interrupted when the man started humming.

You stilled, your eyes going wide. There was no way. And yet...

You began humming along with him, matching him note for note. And when he realized what you were doing, he stopped, turning to face you with a look of pure shock.

You finished the last few bars. The following silence was so complete that you could have heard a pin drop. For one, very long moment, the two of you simply stared at each other.

Then he whispered, "What the fu–"

"It's nice to meet you, too," you interrupted, smirking a little. You couldn't help feeling satisfied that you had cracked his stoic mask. However, that satisfaction was overshadowed by the plethora of other emotions swirling around inside you.

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